37CALLPROGRAM SPEEDSLEEPCANCELMUTEPOWERCLOSEDCAPTIONINPUTSELECTCHANNELRETURNZERORETURNTIMERREC0879654321MENUENTERDIGITALTRACKINGPAUSE/STILLTRACKINGINDEXSTOPPLAYFFREWCOUNTERRESETTV MONITORSKIPSEARCHEJECTVOL+++––VOL–CH–CH+RECSPECIAL PLAYBACKPress PLAY to resume normal viewing speed. Press PLAY to resume normal viewing speed.To visually search backward, press REW once or twicein the PLAYBACK mode.To visually search forward, press FF once or twice inthe PLAYBACK mode.TO VISUALLY SEARCH FOR DESIRED POINTSWhen either FF or REW is pressed in the PLAYBACK mode, the speed search picture will appear. When pressedtwice, the search picture will increase speed. Speed search time depends upon the speed used (SP or SLP) duringrecording. See chart below.To rewind or fast forward a tape, press STOP, and then press REW or FF.SPEED SEARCH TIMESPICTURE SEARCH SPEEDPRESSTWICE5 X15 XTAPE SPEED PRESSONCE3 X9 XSP (Standard Play)SLP (Super LongPlay)NOTES: • Best results during speed search and still playback can be obtained with video cassettes recorded in the“SLP” mode.• The audio output is muted during speed search and still.• A few noise bars will appear on the TV screen during speed search and still.• To prevent damage to the tape, still and speed search mode is automatically changed to the playback modeafter 5 minutes.For example : 1 press: 30 seconds of tape2 press: 60 seconds of tape3 press: 90 seconds of tapePress SKIP SEARCH in the PLAYBACK mode. The TV/VCR willsearch forward through approximately 30 seconds of the tape (e.g.unwanted commercial time) for each press of SKIP SEARCH (maxi-mum six presses) and then resume normal playback.REW FFSKIP SEARCHPress PAUSE/STILL in the PLAY-BACK mode.Press PLAY or PAUSE/STILL toresume normal playback.SKIPSEARCHTO WATCH STILL PICTUREPAUSE/STILLREWFFSTOP PAUSE/STILLSKIP SEARCH5L80101C P34-43 20/4/04, 16:2237