Overview of Alarms 03/2009NCK alarms2-354 © Siemens AG, 2009. All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl, 840Di sl, SINAMICS, Diagnostics Manual (DAsl), 03/2009Program Con-tinuation:Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START.22037 [Channel %1: ] Block %2 Axis/spindle %3 'Correct synchronism' is beingignoredParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, label%3 = Axis/spindle numberDefinitions: VDI interface signal DB31..,DBX31.6 'Correct synchronism' is being ignored, because VDI interfacesignal DB31..,DBX31.7 'Delete synchronism override' has been set.Reaction: Alarm display.Remedy: Reset the two VDI interface signals DB31..,DBX31.7 'Delete synchronism override' andDB31..,DBX31.6 'Correct synchronism', before the latter signal can be set again.Program Con-tinuation:Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START.22038 [Channel %1: ] Block %2 Axis/Spindle %3 'Delete synchronism override'is being ignoredParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, label%3 = Axis/spindle numberDefinitions: VDI interface signal DB31..,DBX31.7 'Correct synchronism' is being ignored, because VDI interfacesignal DB31..,DBX31.6 'Delete synchronism override' has been set.Reaction: Alarm display.Remedy: Reset the two VDI interface signals DB31..,DBX31.6 'Correct synchronism' and DB31..,DBX31.7'Delete synchronism override', before the latter signal can be set again.Program Con-tinuation:Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START.22040 [Channel %1: ] Block %3 spindle %2 is not referenced with zero markerParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Axis name, spindle number%3 = Block number, labelDefinitions: The current position is not referenced with the measuring system position although reference is madeto it.Reaction: Alarm display.Remedy: Correct NC part program. Create the zero mark synchronization by positioning, by rotation (at least 1revolution) in speed control mode or G74 before switching the alarm generating function on.If this has been intentionally programmed, the alarm can be suppressed in the cyclic check with posi-tion control already enabled by means of MD11410 $MN_SUPPRESS_ALARM_MASK Bit21 = 1.Program Con-tinuation:Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START.22045 Block %2 spindle/axis %3 not available in channel %1 because active inchannel %4Parameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, label%3 = Axis name, spindle number%4 = Number of the channel in which the spindle/axis is currently active.Definitions: The specified spindle/axis is required in channel %1 for the correct execution of a function. The spin-dle/axis is currently active in the %4 channel. The constellation can only occur with replacement axes.Problem case: A synchronized spindle coupling was programmed. The master spindle/axis is not con-tained in the channel programmed for the coupling at the time the coupling is activated. The masterspindle/axis can be moved by FC18 or synchronized actions. When using FC18, please note that themaster spindle/axis must be assigned to the channel which activates the coupling. When FC18 termi-nates, the master spindle/axis must not be assigned to another channel via PLC while the coupling isstill active (VDI interface signals).Reaction: Interface signals are set.Alarm display.NC Stop on alarm.