NCK alarms03/2009 Overview of Alarms2-115© Siemens AG, 2009. All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl, 840Di sl, SINAMICS, Diagnostics Manual (DAsl), 03/200910783 [Channel %1: ] Block %2 tool radius compensation type requiresorientation transformationParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: This alarm occurs, if an attempt is made to activate a tool radius compensation which must enable atool orientation change and the _Orientation transformation_ option is not available. This alarm canonly occur if one of the following G code is active in the G code group 22:- CUT3DC- CUT3DCC- CUT3DCCDReaction: Correction block is reorganized.Local alarm reaction.Interface signals are set.Alarm display.NC Stop on alarm at block end.Remedy: - Modify part program- Install "Orientation transformation" optionProgram Con-tinuation:Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.10784 [Channel %1: ] Block %2 illegal tool for tool radius compensation withconstraint surfaceParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: When activating the tool radius compensation with constraint surface, an illegal tool type is active.Only cutting tools of the tool types 1 to 399 are admitted with the following exceptions:- 111 ball end milling cutter- 155 torus milling cutter- 156 torus milling cutter- 157 torus milling cutterReaction: Correction block is reorganized.Local alarm reaction.Interface signals are set.Alarm display.NC Stop on alarm at block end.Remedy: Use another tool.Program Con-tinuation:Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.10790 [Channel %1: ] Block %2 plane change during linear programming withanglesParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: The active plane was changed between the first and second subblock when programming two straightlines with angle parameters.Reaction: Correction block is reorganized.Local alarm reaction.Interface signals are set.Alarm display.NC Stop on alarm at block end.Remedy: Modify part program.Program Con-tinuation:Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.10791 [Channel %1: ] Block %2 invalid angle during linear programmingParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, label