DB31, ...DBB0 Feedrate override / spindle override axis-specificSignal irrelevant for ... NST DB31, ... DBX74.5 ("Positioning axis") = ZEROReferences Evaluation see:DB21, ... DBB4 (feedrate override); channel-specificDB31, ...DBX2.2 Delete distance-to-go, axis-specificEdge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: CyclicSignal state 1 or edgechange 0 → 1The axis-specific distance-to-go of the positioning axis is canceled. The positioning axis isdecelerated and the following error is eliminated. The programmed end position is deemed tohave been reached. The path axes are not influenced by the axis-specific "delete distance-to-go" interface signal. The channel-specific "delete distance-to-go" interface signal is used forthis purpose.Special cases,errors, ...If the axis-specific "delete distance-to-go" interface signal is enabled, even if no positioningaxes have been programmed in this block, the NCK does not respond.Corresponding to ... DB21, ... DBX6.2 (delete distance-to-go); channel-specific for path axesDB31, ...DBX28.1 ResetEdge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: CyclicSignal state 1 or edgechange 0 → 1Reset request to the NCK for the PLC-controlled axis/spindle.Feedback signal from the NCK to the PLC:DB31 ... DBX63.1 = 1 (reset executed)DB31 ... DBX63.2 = 1 (axis stop active)Special cases,errors, ...Boundary condition:● The axis/spindle must be currently controlled by the PLC.Corresponding to ... DB31 ... DBX63.1 (reset executed)DB31, ... DBX63.2 (axis stop active)System variable: $AA_SNGLAX_STATOPI variables: aaSnglAxStatDB31, ...DBX28.2 ContinueEdge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: CyclicSignal state 1 or edgechange 0 → 1Request to continue interrupted traversing motion for a PLC-controlled axis/spindle.The request can be interrupted with DB31 … DBX63.2 ("axis stop active").Z2: NC/PLC interface signals19.10 Positioning axes (P2)Extended Functions932 Function Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-1BP40-5BA3