Static synchronized action with $AN_AXCTSWAChannel 1 CommentIDS =1 EVERY $AN_AXCTSWA[CT1] == 1 DO M99 Static synchronized action:Always output auxiliary function M99 at the beginning of anaxis container rotation.References: Synchronized Actions Function Manual3.3.3.3 Wait for certain completion of axis container rotationIf you want to wait until the axis container rotation is reliably completed, you can use one ofthe examples below selected to suit the relevant situation.Example 1rl = $AN_AXCTAS[ctl]; Read current axis container positionAXCTSWE(ctl) ; Permit axis container rotationWHILE (rl == $AN_AXCTAS[ctl]); Wait until axis container positionENDWHILE ; has changedExample 2 for 1st channelCLEARM(9); Delete synchronization marker 9AXCTSWE(ctl) ; Permit axis container rotation; wait with synchronized action until; axis container rotation is completedWHEN $AN_AXCTSWA[ctl] == TRUE DO SETM(9) ; Set marker 9 andWAITMC(9, 1) ; Wait for synchronization marker 9; in first channelExample 3.1 Use internal waitM3 S100 ; Reprogram axis container spindle; An internal wait takes place for the end of; axis container rotationExample 3.2 Use internal waitx=IC(0) ; Reprogram axis container axis x; An internal wait takes place for the end of; axis container rotationB3: Distributed systems - 840D sl only3.3 ExamplesExtended Functions128 Function Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-1BP40-5BA3