NC/PLC interface signal Scope MD20624 $MC_HANDWH_CHAN_STOP_CONDBit == 0 Bit == 1DB21, ... DBX7.3 (NC Stop) Geometry axis / machine axis Interruption until NC start AbortDB21, ... DBX7.4 (NC stop,axes plus spindle)Geometry axis / machine axis Interruption until NC start AbortDB21, ... DBX6.0 (feedratedisable)Geometry axis / machine axis Interruption AbortDB21, ... DBB4 (feedrateoverride)DB31, ... DBX4.5 (rapid tra‐verse override)Geometry axes Override == 0: Interruption ifrapid traverse override is notactiveOverride == 0: Abort if rapidtraverse override is not activeDB21, ... DBB5 (rapid tra‐verse override)DB31, ... DBX4.5 (rapid tra‐verse override)Geometry axes Rapid traverse override == 0:Interruption if rapid traverseoverride is activeRapid traverse override == 0:Abort if rapid traverse over‐ride is activeDB21, ... DBX12/16/20.3 (ge‐ometry axis 1/2/3: Feedratestop)Geometry axis Interruption AbortNC/PLC interface signal Scope MD32084 $MC_HANDWH_CHAN_STOP_CONDBit == 0 Bit == 1DB31, ... DBB0 (axial fee‐drate override)Machine axis, not spindle Override == 0: Interruption Override == 0: AbortDB31, ... DBB19 (spindleoverride)Spindle Override == 0: Interruption Override == 0: AbortDB31, ... DBX4.3 (feedratestop / spindle stop)Geometry axis / machine axis Interruption AbortDB31, ... DBX2.3 (clampingin progress)Geometry axis / machine axis No effect AbortDB31, ... DBX2.1 (control sys‐tem enable)Geometry axis / machine axis Interruption AbortDB31, ... DBX21.7 (pulse en‐able)Geometry axis / machine axis Interruption AbortNoteRemoval of the "Controller enable" and "Pulse enable" during traversing results in a rapid stopof the axis and a reset alarm.Interruption of a traversing motionWhen a stop command is issued, the distance-to-go is saved and the handwheel pulses arecollected. When the stop condition no longer applies, the resulting distance is traversed.Abort of a traversing motionWhen a stop command is issued, the distance-to-go is deleted and the handwheel pulses areignored (i.e. not collected) until the stop condition no longer applies.H1: Manual and handwheel travel4.6 Handwheel travelExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-1BP40-5BA3 177