Calculated frameWhen a workpiece is measured, the calculated frame is entered in the specified frame.Table 8-4Type System variable MeaningINT $AC_MEAS_FRAME_SELECT Frame selection during tool measurementThe variable $AC_MEAS_FRAME_SELECT can assume the following values:Value Meaning0 $P_SETFRAME Active system frame1 $P_PARTFRAME Active system frame2 $P_EXTFRAME Active system frame10..25 $P_CHBFRAME[0..15] Active channel-specific basic frames50..65 $P_NCBFRAME[0..15] active NCU-global basic frames100..199 $P_IFRAME The calculation is done using the active settableframe, if the corresponding frame is selected. If theselected frame is not active, the corresponding datamanagement frame is included in the calculation.500 $P_TOOLFRAME Active system frame501 $P_WPFRAME Active system frame502 $P_TRAFRAME Active system frame503 $P_PFRAME Active current programmable frame504 $P_CYCFRAME Active system frame505 $P_RELFRAME (workpiece coor‐dinate system)Active system frame506 $P_RELFRAME (SZS) Active system frame1010..1025 $P_CHBFRAME[0..15] active channel specification Basic frames with ac‐tive G5001050..1065 $P_NCBFRAME[0..15] active NCU-global Basic frames with active G5002000 $P_SETFR System frame in data management2001 $P_PARTFR System frame in data management2002 $P_EXTFR System frame in data management2010..2025 $P_CHBFR[0..15] Channel-specific basic frames in data management2050..2065 $P_NCBFR[0..15] NCU-global basic frame in data management2100..2199 $P_UIFR[0..99] settable frame in data management2500 $P_TOOLFR System frame in data management2501 $P_WPFR System frame in data management2502 $P_TRAFR System frame in data management2504 $P_CYCFR System frame in data management2505 $P_RELFR (workpiece coordi‐nate system)System frame in data management2506 $P_RELFR (SZS) System frame in data managementM5: Measurement8.5 Setting zeros, workpiece measuring and tool measuringExtended Functions512 Function Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-1BP40-5BA3