5. The optimized parameter values are applied graphically, e.g. amplitude = f(an)6. Setting of the next acceleration an and continuation with point 2.Performing the circularity test without friction compensationA circularity test without friction compensation should be performed to determine the initialquality of the circular contour at the quadrant transitions. To do this, switch off the frictioncompensation temporarily:MD32500 FRICT_COMP_ENABLE[ ] = 0The following figure shows a typical example of quadrant transitions without frictioncompensation:$[LV$[LV,,,,,9,,Figure 5-16 Quadrant transitions without friction compensationThe friction compensation must then be activated again:MD32500 FRICT_COMP_ENABLE[ ] = 1Performing circularity test with friction compensationIt is recommended that a small amplitude value and a decay time of just a few position controlcycles be set as initial values for the velocity setpoint pulse, e.g.:● MD32520 $MA_FRICT_COMP_CONST_MAX[ ] = 10 [mm/min]● MD32540 $FRICT_COMP_TIME[ ] = 0.008 [s]The circularity test performed with these values provides an initial assessment of the frictioncompensation.Amplitude too smallToo small an amplitude value (MD32520) is revealed in the circularity test by insufficientcompensation of the contour deviations at the quadrant transitions.K3: Compensations5.7 Friction compensation with a constant compensation valueExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-1BP40-5BA3 325 PreviousNext |