The infeed axis stops until the current position (value) of the oscillation axis is lower than theposition at reversal point2 minus the contents of variable ii2. This applies on condition that thesetting for reversal point position 2 is higher than that for reversal point position 1. If this is notthe case, then the condition must be changed accordingly.ApplicationThe purpose of this synchronized action is to prevent the infeed movement from starting untilthe oscillation movement has reached reversal range 2 (see "Figure 12-1 Arrangementoscillating axis, infeed axis (Page 705)").ProgrammingWHENEVER $AA_IM[Z] < $SA_OSCILL_REVERSE_POS2[Z] - ii2DO $AA_OVR[X] = 0Explanation:● $AA_IM[ Z ]: Current position of oscillating axis Z● $SA_OSCILL_REVERSE_POS2[ Z ]: Position of reversal point 2 of the oscillation axis● $AA_OVR[ X ]: Axial override of the infeed axis● ii2: Magnitude of reversal range 2 (user variable)InfeedThe absolute infeed value is defined by the POSP instruction (see Section "Definition of infeedsPOSP (Page 713)").AssignmentThe assignment between the oscillation axis and the infeed axis is defined by the OSCILLinstruction (see Section "Assignment of oscillation and infeed axes OSCILL (Page 713)").See alsoOscillation controlled by synchronized actions (Page 704)12.3.3 Infeed at both reversal pointsGeneral procedureThe functions described above for infeed at the reversal point and in the reversal range canbe freely combined.P5: Oscillation12.3 Oscillation controlled by synchronized actionsExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 10/2015, 6FC5397-1BP40-5BA3 709