2 EngineeringEthernet Communication (ISO on TCP) between SIMATIC S5 andSIMATIC S7-1500 ControllersEntry-ID: 109482475, V1.2, 07/2019 80© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved2.8.4 Connection configuration in the S7-1500 CPUPrerequisitesAll network-side settings of the S7-1500 CPU and of the CP1543-1 used in TIAPortal are structured identically for all scenarios.For the corresponding configuration steps, proceed as described in chapter 2.2.4steps 1 and 2 of scenario 1 and complete the configuration following the stepsdescribed in the next section.ConfigurationIn this scenario 5, all required connection parameters of an ISO-on-TCPconnection are pre-assigned and set up via the user program.The CONNECT parameter of the OUC block TSEND_C is used to configure thepredefined structure (TCON_IP_RFC) of an ISO-on-TCP connection as follows.3. Create a data block and add a tag of data type "TCON_IP_RFC”. The defaultsettings for scenario 3 have to be parameterized as follows.– Enter die module address of the S7-1500 CPU (in this case: 64) for the"InterfaceId” tag (1).– Enter the connection number (in this case: 6) for the "ID” tag (2).– The value "16#0C” of the "ConnectionType” tag (3) defines the connectiontype "ISO-on-TCP”.– Enter the value "true” for the "ActiveEstablished” tag (4) to define the activeconnection establishment of the S7-1500 station.– Enter the IP address of the partner (in this case: of the CP1430 TCP) in the"RemoteAddress” field (5).– Enter the remote TSAP (in this case: 43 50 55 5F 31 35 30 63 (hex)"CPU_150c” (ASC)) and the local TSAP (in this case: 43 50 55 5F 31 3530 63 (hex) "CPU_150c” (ASC)) in the fields "RemoteTSelector” (6) and"LocalTSelector” (7), respectively.124356