2 EngineeringEthernet Communication (ISO on TCP) between SIMATIC S5 andSIMATIC S7-1500 ControllersEntry-ID: 109482475, V1.2, 07/2019 32© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved10. Create a second connection as WRITE connection. Set the job number ANR to"114” under (1), the job type to "SEND” under (2) and the read/write identifierto "Y” under (3).Under "Transport addresses” (4), enter the local TSAP "CP1543-W” and under(5) the remote TSAP "CP1543-W”. Under the "Active/passive” parameter (6),set the way the connection is established to "A” (active).Click on "OK” (F7) to confirm the settings.Note In the transport configuration, a "WRITE” connection is configured as job type"SEND” with the R/W identifier being set to "Y”!123456