2 EngineeringEthernet Communication (ISO on TCP) between SIMATIC S5 andSIMATIC S7-1500 ControllersEntry-ID: 109482475, V1.2, 07/2019 31© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reservedNote The configured IP address has to be selected according to the connectionscreated for the S7-1500/ CP1543-1.8. To do this, go to "Edit” >"Connections” and select the option "TransportConnection (TCP/RFC1006)” (1).Now, enter the following parameters in the input window.9. For this example, two ISO-on-TCP connections (transport connections RFC1006) are required. For each of them, the job types "FETCH” and "WRITE”have to be set respectively. Both connections are configured as activeconnections.For the FETCH connection, set the job number ANR "113” under (1), the jobtype "FETCH” under (2) and the R/W identifier to "Y” under (3).Under "Transport addresses” (4), enter the local TSAP "CP1543-F” and under(5) the remote TSAP "CP1543-F”. Under the "Active/passive” parameter (6),set the way the connection is established to "A” (active).Click on "OK” (F7) to confirm the settings.1234561