
Siemens Simatic S7-1500 manuals

Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Warranty and Liability
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Task and Solution
  4. Fundamentals on "Shared Device
  5. Configuration
  6. Configuring a "Shared Device
  7. Configuration of project 2
  8. Adjusting the real time settings
  9. Compiling and loading
  10. Diagnostics with "Shared Device
  11. References
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Server
Table of contents
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Control Unit
Table of contents
  1. Preface
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Documentation guide
  10. Principles for control
  11. Controlled systems
  12. Characteristic values of the control section
  13. Pulse controller
  14. Response to setpoint changes and disturbances
  15. Control Response at Different Feedback Structures
  16. Selection of the controller structure for specified controlled systems
  17. PID parameter settings
  18. Configuring a software controller
  19. Steps for the configuration of a software controller
  20. Configure technology objects
  21. Call instruction in the user program
  22. Downloading technology objects to device
  23. Commissioning software controller
  24. Comparing values
  25. Parameter view
  26. Structure of the parameter view
  27. Navigation
  28. Opening the parameter view
  29. Default setting of the parameter view
  30. Working with the parameter view
  31. Filtering the parameter table
  32. Sorting the parameter table
  33. Indicating errors
  34. Status of configuration (offline)
  35. Monitoring values online in the parameter view
  36. Change display format of value
  37. Create snapshot of monitor values
  38. Applying values from the online program as start values
  39. Initializing setpoints in the online program
  40. Display instance DB of a technology object
  41. Technology object PID_Compact
  42. PID_Compact V2
  43. Process value settings V2
  44. Advanced settings V2
  45. Commissioning PID_Compact V2
  46. Fine tuning V2
  47. Manual" mode V1
  48. Override control with PID_Compact V2
  49. Simulating PID_Compact V2 with PLCSIM
  50. PID_Compact V1
  51. Process value settings V1
  52. Advanced settings V1
  53. Commissioning PID_Compact V1
  54. Pretuning V1
  55. Fine tuning V1
  56. Simulating PID_Compact V1 with PLCSIM
  57. Technology object PID_3Step
  58. PID_3Step V2
  59. Final controlling element settings V2
  60. Commissioning PID_3Step V2
  61. Commissioning with manual PID parameters V2
  62. Measuring the motor transition time V2
  63. Simulating PID_3Step V2 with PLCSIM
  64. PID_3Step V1
  65. V1 final controlling element setting
  66. Commissioning PID_3Step V1
  67. Commissioning with manual PID parameters V1
  68. Measuring the motor transition time V1
  69. Simulating PID_3Step V1 with PLCSIM
  70. Technology object PID_Temp
  71. Configuring PID_Temp
  72. Controller type
  73. Process value
  74. Cascade
  75. Process value settings
  76. Output settings
  77. Output value limits and scaling
  78. Advanced settings
  79. PWM limits
  80. PID parameters
  81. Commissioning PID_Temp
  82. Pretuning
  83. Fine tuning
  84. Manual" mode
  85. Substitute setpoint
  86. Cascade control with PID_Temp
  87. Program creation
  88. Configuration
  89. Commissioning
  90. Multi-zone controlling with PID_Temp
  91. Override control with PID_Temp
  92. Simulating PID_Temp with PLCSIM
  93. CONT_C
  94. Configure controller difference CONT_C
  95. Configure the controller algorithm CONT_C
  96. Configure the output value CONT_C
  97. Programming a pulse controller
  98. Commissioning CONT_C
  99. CONT_S
  100. Configure controller difference CONT_S
  101. Configure manipulated value CONT_S
  102. TCONT_CP
  103. Configure TCONT_CP
  104. Controlling algorithm
  105. Manipulated value continual controller
  106. Manipulated value pulse controller
  107. Commissioning TCONT_CP
  108. Requirements for an optimization
  109. Possibilities for optimization
  110. Tuning result
  111. Parallel tuning of controller channels
  112. Fault descriptions and corrective measures
  113. Performing pretuning
  114. Cancelling pretuning or fine tuning
  115. Performing fine tuning manually
  116. TCONT_S
  117. Configure controller algorithm TCONT_S
  118. Configure manipulated value TCONT_S
  119. Polyline
  120. PID_Compact
  121. Compatibility with CPU and FW
  122. CPU processing time and memory requirement PID_Compact V2.x
  123. Mode of operation of PID_Compact V2
  124. Input parameters of PID_Compact V2
  125. Output parameters of PID_Compact V2
  126. In/out parameters of PID_Compact V2
  127. Static tags of PID_Compact V2
  128. Changing the PID_Compact V2 interface
  129. Parameters State and Mode V2
  130. Parameter ErrorBits V2
  131. Tag ActivateRecoverMode V2
  132. Tag Warning V2
  133. IntegralResetMode V2 tag
  134. Sample program for PID_Compact
  135. Input parameters of PID_Compact V1
  136. Output parameters of PID_Compact V1
  137. Static tags of PID_Compact V1
  138. Parameters State and sRet.i_Mode V1
  139. Parameter Error V1
  140. Parameter Reset V1
  141. Tag sd_warning V1
  142. Tag i_Event_TIR V1
  143. PID_3Step
  144. CPU processing time and memory requirement PID_3Step V2.x
  145. Mode of operation of PID_3Step V2
  146. Changing the PID_3Step V2 interface
  147. Input parameters of PID_3Step V2
  148. Output parameters of PID_3Step V2
  149. In/out parameters of PID-3Step V2
  150. Static tags of PID_3Step V2
  151. Operating principle PID_3Step V1
  152. PID_3Step V1 input parameters
  153. PID_3Step V1 output parameters
  154. PID_3Step V1 static tags
  155. Parameter State and Retain.Mode V1
  156. Parameter ErrorBits V1
  157. Tag ActivateRecoverMode V1
  158. Tag Warning V1
  159. Tag SUT.State V1
  160. PID_Temp
  161. CPU processing time and memory requirement PID_Temp V1
  162. Mode of operation of PID_Temp
  163. Input parameters of PID_Temp
  164. Output parameters of PID_Temp
  165. In/out parameters of PID_Temp V2
  166. PID_Temp static tags
  167. PID_Temp state and mode parameters
  168. PID_Temp ErrorBits parameter
  169. PID_Temp ActivateRecoverMode tag
  170. PID_Temp Warning tag
  171. PwmPeriode tag
  172. IntegralResetMode tag
  173. PID basic functions
  174. How CONT_C works
  175. CONT_C block diagram
  176. Input parameter CONT_C
  177. Output parameters CONT_C
  178. Mode of operation CONT_S
  179. Block diagram CONT_S
  180. Input parameters CONT_S
  181. Output parameters CONT_S
  183. Mode of operation PULSEGEN
  184. Three-step control
  185. Two-step control
  186. Input parameters PULSEGEN
  187. Output parameter PULSEGEN
  188. Mode of operation TCONT_CP
  189. Operating principle of the pulse generator
  190. Block diagram TCONT_CP
  191. Input parameters TCONT_CP
  192. Output parameters TCONT_CP
  193. In/out parameters TCONT_CP
  194. Static variables TCONT_CP
  195. Parameter STATUS_H
  196. Parameters STATUS_D
  197. Mode of operation TCONT_S
  198. Block diagram TCONT_S
  199. Input paramters TCONT_S
  200. Output parameters TCONT_S
  201. Static variables TCONT_S
  202. Integrated system functions
  204. Operating principle Polyline
  205. Input parameters of Polyline
  206. Static tags of Polyline
  207. ErrorBits parameter
  208. Index
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Preface
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Documentation guide
  8. System overview
  9. What is the SIMATIC S7-1500 automation system
  10. What is the SIMATIC ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  11. What are fail-saf e automation systems and fail-safe modules
  12. How are SIMATIC S afety F-systems configured
  13. Components
  14. Application planning
  15. Hardware configuration of the ET 200MP distributed I/O system with PROFINET interface module
  16. Hardware configuration of the ET 200MP distributed I/O system with PROFIBUS interface module
  17. System and load power supply
  18. Use of system power supplies
  19. Special considerations for the use of a system power supply in the first power segment
  20. Use of load power supplies
  21. Power balance calculation
  22. Installation
  23. Installing the mounting rail
  24. Installing a system power supply
  25. Installing a load current supply
  26. Installing the CP U
  27. Installing the interface module
  28. Installing I/O modules
  29. Rules and regulations for operation
  30. Additional rules and regulations for operation of the S7-1500/ET 200MP with fail-safe modules
  31. Requirements of sensors and actuators for fail-saf e modules
  32. Capacitive crosstalk of digital input/output signals
  33. Operation on grounded infeed
  34. Electrical configuration
  35. Wiring rules
  36. Connecting the supply voltage
  37. Connecting system power supply and load current supply
  38. Connecting the CP U/interface module to the load current supply
  39. Connecting interfaces for communication
  40. Wiring front connectors for I/O modules without shield contact element
  41. Wiring front connectors for I/O modules with shield contact element
  42. Bringing the front connector into final position
  43. Marking the I/O modules
  44. Optional marking
  45. Configuring the CPU
  46. Reading out the configuration
  47. Address assignment
  48. Addressing digital modules
  49. Addressing analog modules
  50. Process images and process image partitions
  51. Assign process image partitions to an OB
  52. Update process image partitions in the user program
  53. Configuring ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  54. Assigning PROFIsaf e address to fail-safe modules with S IMATIC Safety
  55. Events and OBs
  56. CPU overload behavior
  57. Asynchronous instructions
  58. Overview of the protection functions
  59. Configuring access prot ection for the CPU
  60. Using the dis play to set additional access protection
  61. Know-how protection
  62. Copy protection
  63. Protection by locking the CPU/interface module
  64. Standard machine projects
  65. Configuration control (option handling)
  66. Configuring
  67. Creating the control data record
  68. Cont rol data record for the S7-1500 Automation System
  69. Cont rol data record for the ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  70. Feedback data record of the ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  71. Examples of configuration control
  72. Transferring the cont rol dat a record in the start up program of the CPU
  73. Behavior during operation
  74. Overview
  75. Check before powering on for the first time
  76. Procedure for commissioning the S7-1500 automation system
  77. Removing/inserting a S IMATIC memory card on the CPU
  78. First power-on of the CPU
  79. Procedure for commissioning the ET 200MP distribut ed I/O system
  80. Commissioning the ET 200MP for P ROFIBUS DP
  81. Operating modes of the CPU
  82. STOP mode
  83. Operating mode transitions
  84. CPU memory reset
  85. Automatic memory reset
  86. Backing up and restoring the CP U configuration
  87. Identification and maint enance dat a
  88. Record structure for I&M data
  89. Shared commissioning of projects
  90. S IMATIC memory card
  91. Setting the card type
  92. Data transfer wit h SIMATIC memory cards
  93. CPU display
  94. Maintenance
  95. Replacement of I/O modules and front connectors
  96. Replacing an I/O module
  97. Replacing a front connector
  98. Replacing the coding element at the power connector of the system power supply and load current supply
  99. Firmware update
  100. Reset to factory settings
  101. Resetting int erface module (PROFINET IO) to factory settings
  102. Fault reactions with fail-safe modules
  103. Test functions and fault resolution
  104. Reading out/saving service data
  105. Technical specifications
  106. Standards and Approvals
  107. Electromagnetic compatibility
  108. Electromagnetic compatibility of fail-safe modules
  109. Mechanic al and climatic ambient conditions
  110. Information on insulation tests, protection class, degree of protection and rated voltage
  111. Use of the S7-1500/ET 200MP in zone 2 hazardous areas
  112. A Dimension drawings
  113. A.2 Dimension drawing of shielding bracket for 35 mm modules
  114. A.3 Dimension drawing of shielding bracket for 25 mm modules
  115. A.5 Dimension drawing of shielding bracket for 25 mm modules
  116. A.8 Dimension drawings of the labeling strips
  117. Glossary
  118. Index
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Preface
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Documentation guide
  6. Product overview
  7. Applications of the S7-1500 CPUs
  8. Properties
  9. Properties of the CPU part
  10. Properties of the analog on-board I/O
  11. Properties of the digital on-board I/O
  12. Operator controls and display elements
  13. Front view without front panel on the CPU
  14. Rear view
  15. Technology functions
  16. Functions
  17. Measuring
  18. Position detection for motion control
  19. Additional functions
  20. Configuring the high-speed counters
  21. Assignment of the feedback interface of the high-speed counters
  22. Pulse generators
  23. Operating mode: Frequency output
  24. Operating mode: PTO
  25. Function: Direct control of the pulse output (DQA)
  26. Configuring the PWM and frequency output modes
  27. Handling the SLOT parameter (control interface)
  28. Assignment of the feedback interface
  29. Wiring
  30. PROFINET interfaces
  31. Terminal and block diagrams
  32. Terminal and block diagram of the analog on-board I/O
  33. Terminal and block diagram of the digital on-board I/O
  34. Addresses of the high-speed counters
  35. Addresses of the pulse generators in the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Frequency Output modes
  36. Addresses of pulse generators in the PTO mode
  37. Interconnection overview of the inputs
  38. Interconnection overview of outputs
  39. Parameters/address space
  40. Address space of the digital on-board I/O
  41. Address space of the pulse generators
  42. Measurement types and measuring ranges of the analog on-board I/O
  43. Output type and output ranges of the analog on-board I/O
  44. Parameters of the digital on-board I/O
  45. Interrupts/diagnostics alarms
  46. Status and error displays of the analog on-board I/O
  47. Status and error displays of the digital on-board I/O
  48. Interrupts and diagnostics
  49. Interrupts and diagnostics of the digital on-board I/O
  50. Technical specifications
  51. B.1 Parameter assignment and structure of the parameter data records of the analog on board I/O
  52. B.3 Structure of a data record for output channels of the analog on-board I/O
  53. B.4 Parameter assignment and structure of the parameter data records of the digital on board I/O
  54. B.6 Structure of a data record for output channels of the digital on-board I/O
  55. B.7 Parameter data records of the high-speed counters
  56. B.8 Parameter data records (PWM)
  57. C.1 Conversion method
  58. C.2 Representation of analog values
  59. C.3 Representation of input ranges
  60. C.3.1 Representation of analog values in voltage measuring ranges
  61. C.3.2 Representation of analog values in current measuring ranges
  62. C.3.3 Representation of the analog values of resistance-type sensors/resistance-type thermometers
  63. C.3.4 Measured values for wire break diagnostics
  64. C.4 Representation of output ranges
  65. C.4.1 Representation of analog values in the voltage output ranges
  66. C.4.2 Representation of analog values in the current output ranges
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Control Unit
Table of contents
  1. Preface
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Guide to documentation S7-1500 / ET 200MP
  11. Introduction
  12. Principle of operation of S7-1500 Motion Control
  13. Basics
  14. Scale
  15. Positioning axis technology object
  16. Synchronous axis technology object
  17. External encoder technology object
  18. Axis types
  19. Units of measure
  20. Drive and encoder connection
  21. Frames
  22. Setting reference values
  23. Tags
  24. Safety functions in the drive
  25. Safe Stop 1 (SS1)
  26. Actual values
  27. Mechanics
  28. Homing
  29. Terms
  30. Homing mode
  31. Active homing with zero mark and proximity switch
  32. Active homing with zero mark
  33. Active homing with digital input
  34. Passive homing with zero mark and proximity switch
  35. Passive homing with zero mark
  36. Passive homing with digital input
  37. Direction reversal at the hardware limit switch (reversing cam)
  38. Direct homing
  39. Resetting the "Homed" status
  40. Control
  41. Control structure
  42. Positioning monitoring
  43. Following error monitoring
  44. Traversing range limitation
  45. Software limit switch
  46. Motion control and limits for dynamics
  47. Velocity profile
  48. Emergency stop deceleration
  49. Synchronous operation
  50. Relative gearing
  51. Master value coupling
  52. Operational sequence
  53. Process image partition "OB Servo PIP
  54. Operating modes
  55. Guidelines on use of motion control
  56. Overview of versions
  57. Changing a technology version
  58. Adding and configuring drives in the device configuration
  59. Add and configure PROFIBUS DP drives
  60. Adding and configuring drives with analog connections
  61. Add technology object
  62. Working with the configuration editor
  63. Compare values
  64. Configuring the Speed-Control Axis technology object
  65. Configuration - Data exchange
  66. Extended Parameters
  67. Configuration - Dynamic Defaults
  68. Configuration - Emergency stop
  69. Configuring the positioning axis/synchronous axis technology object
  70. Hardware interface
  71. Configuration - Encoder
  72. Configuration - master value interconnections (synchronous axis only)
  73. Configuration - Position monitoring
  74. Configuration - Dynamic limits
  75. Position monitoring
  76. Configuration - Control loop
  77. Configuring the External Encoder technology object
  78. Parameter view
  79. Structure of the parameter view
  80. Parameter table
  81. Opening the parameter view
  82. Working with the parameter view
  83. Sorting the parameter table
  84. Indicating errors
  85. Monitoring values online in the parameter view
  86. Modifying values
  87. Comparing values
  88. Evaluating the technology data block
  89. Evaluate StatusWord, ErrorWord and WarningWord
  90. Change restart-relevant data
  91. Motion Control instructions
  92. Add Motion Control instructions
  93. Starting Motion Control jobs
  94. Tracking active jobs
  95. Motion Control instructions with "Done" parameter
  96. Motion Control instructions without "Done" parameter
  97. Motion Control instruction "MC_MoveJog
  98. Ending Motion Control jobs
  99. Restart of technology objects
  100. Downloading to CPU
  101. Axis control panel
  102. Using the axis control panel
  103. Optimization
  104. Optimize position controller
  105. Simulation mode
  106. Technology alarms
  107. Errors in Motion Control instructions
  108. Speed-controlled axis technology object
  109. Motion status
  110. PROFIdrive frame
  111. Positioning axis/synchronous axis technology object
  112. S7-1500 Motion Control V2
  113. MC_Power: Function chart V2
  114. MC_Home
  115. MC_MoveJog
  116. MC_MoveJog: Function chart V2
  117. MC_MoveVelocity
  118. MC_MoveVelocity: Function chart V2
  119. MC_MoveRelative
  120. MC_MoveRelative: Function chart V2
  121. MC_MoveAbsolute
  122. MC_MoveAbsolute: Function chart V2
  123. MC_MoveSuperimposed
  124. MC_MoveSuperimposed: Function chart V2
  125. MC_GearIn
  126. MC_GearIn: Function chart V2
  127. MC_Halt
  128. MC_Halt: Function chart V2
  129. MC_Reset
  130. S7-1500 Motion Control V1
  131. MC_Power: Function chart V1
  132. MC_MoveJog: Function chart V1
  133. MC_MoveVelocity: Function chart V1
  134. MC_MoveRelative: Function chart V1
  135. MC_MoveAbsolute: Function chart V1
  136. MC_Halt: Function chart V1
  137. A.1 Tags of the technology object SpeedAxis
  138. A.1.3 Variable simulation (speed axis)
  139. A.1.5 LoadGear tags (speed axis)
  140. A.1.6 DynamicLimits tags (speed axis)
  141. A.1.8 Override tags (speed axis)
  142. A.1.10 StatusWord tag (speed axis)
  143. A.1.11 ErrorWord tag (speed axis)
  144. A.1.12 ErrorDetail tags (speed axis)
  145. A.1.13 WarningWord tag (speed axis)
  146. A.1.14 ControlPanel tags (speed axis)
  147. A.1.15 InternalToTrace tags (speed axis)
  148. A.2.2 Actual values and setpoints (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  149. A.2.4 Actor tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  150. A.2.5 Sensor[n] tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  151. A.2.6 LoadGear tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  152. A.2.9 Modulo tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  153. A.2.11 DynamicDefaults tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  154. A.2.13 PositionLimits_HW tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  155. A.2.14 Homing tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  156. A.2.15 Override tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  157. A.2.16 PositionControl tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  158. A.2.17 FollowingError tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  159. A.2.18 PositionMonitoring tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  160. A.2.19 StandstillSignal tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  161. A.2.21 StatusDrive tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  162. A.2.22 StatusSensor[n] tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  163. A.2.23 StatusSynchronizedMotion tags (synchronous axis)
  164. A.2.24 StatusWord tag (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  165. A.2.25 ErrorWord tag (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  166. A.2.26 ErrorDetail tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  167. A.2.27 WarningWord tag (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  168. A.2.28 ControlPanel tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  169. A.2.29 InternalToTrace tags (positioning axis/synchronous axis)
  170. A.3.2 Actual values and setpoints (external encoder)
  171. A.3.4 Mechanics tags (external encoder)
  172. A.3.7 Modulo tags (external encoder)
  173. A.3.9 StatusSensor tags (external encoder)
  174. A.3.10 StatusWord tag (external encoder)
  175. A.3.11 ErrorWord tag (external encoder)
  176. A.3.12 ErrorDetail tags (external encoder)
  177. A.3.13 WarningWord tag (external encoder)
  178. A.4 Technology alarms
  179. A.4.2 Technology alarms 101-110
  180. A.4.3 Technology alarms 201-204
  181. A.4.4 Technology alarms 304-342
  182. A.4.5 Technology alarms 401-431
  183. A.4.6 Technology alarms 501-550
  184. A.4.7 Technology alarm 601
  185. A.5 Error ID
  186. A.6 MC_Power function chart
  187. A.6.1.2 StopMode 1
  188. A.6.1.3 Alarm response "Stop with maximum dynamic values
  189. A.6.1.4 Alarm response "Remove enable
  190. A.6.2 Analog drive connection
  191. A.6.2.2 StopMode 1
  192. A.6.2.3 Alarm response "Stop with maximum dynamic values
  193. A.6.2.4 Alarm response "Remove enable
  194. A.7 SINAMICS drives
  195. Glossary
  196. Index
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Preface
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. S7-PLCSIM Advanced Function Manual, 12/2017, A5E37039512-AB
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. Guide
  22. S7-PLCSIM products
  23. Product overview
  24. Compatibility during upgrade
  25. Security for S7-PLCSIM Advanced
  26. Simulations support
  27. Supported CPUs
  28. Differences between a simulated and a real CPU
  29. Restrictions for all supported CPUs
  30. Simulating Motion Control
  31. Installing
  32. Licenses
  33. Installation log
  34. S7-PLCSIM Advanced
  35. Installing S7-PLCSIM Advanced
  36. Changing S7-PLCSIM Advanced
  37. Repairing S7-PLCSIM Advanced
  38. Uninstalling S7-PLCSIM Advanced
  39. Communication paths
  40. Local communication
  41. Communication via TCP / IP
  42. Enable distributed communication
  43. Simulate CPU
  44. User interface
  45. S7 PLCSIM Advanced Control Panel
  46. Download
  47. Figure 5-4 Example: Download via the "PLCSIM Virtual Ethernet Adapter" (TCP/IP) after naming
  48. Network addresses in the simulation
  49. Simulate peripheral I/O
  50. Simulate communication
  51. Communication between instances
  52. Provide project data offline for simulation
  53. Virtual time response
  54. Speed up and slow down simulation
  55. Stop simulation
  56. Figure 6-2 Overview of the synchronization points
  57. Synchronize simulation partner
  58. Synchronize simulation partner time-controlled
  59. Figure 6-4 Example: Sequence in the TimespanSynchronized_CP operating mode
  60. Introduction
  61. Access to instances
  62. User interfaces (API)
  63. Overview of user interfaces for native C
  64. Overview of user interfaces for managed code
  65. Overview of data types for native C
  66. Overview of data types for managed code
  67. Initialize API
  68. RuntimeApiEntry_Initialize
  69. NET (C#)
  70. Shut down API
  71. DestroyInterface()
  72. RuntimeApiEntry_DestroyInterface
  73. FreeApi()
  74. ShutdownAndFreeApi()
  75. Global functions (Native C++)
  76. API ISimulationRuntimeManager
  77. Simulation Runtime instances
  78. Remote connections
  79. Events
  80. OnRuntimeManagerLost events
  81. API IInstances
  82. Table
  83. Table 7- 100 GetInfo() - Native C
  84. Table 7- 102 UnregisterInstance() - Native C
  85. Controller - Information and settings
  86. Table 7- 106 GetControllerShortDesignation() - Native C
  87. Table 7- 109 GetControllerIP() - Native C
  88. Table 7- 113 SetIPSuite() - Native C
  89. Table 7- 114 SetIPSuite() - .NET (C#)
  90. Table 7- 116 SetStoragePath() - Native C
  91. Table 7- 118 ArchiveStorage() - Native C
  92. Table 7- 120 RetrieveStorage() - Native C
  93. Operating state
  94. Table 7- 123 OperatingState { get; } - .NET (C#)
  95. Table 7- 124 PowerOn() - Native C
  96. Table 7- 125 PowerOn() - .NET (C#)
  97. Table 7- 126 PowerOff() - Native C
  98. Table 7- 128 MemoryReset() - Native C
  99. Table 7- 130 Run() - Native C
  100. Table 7- 132 Stop() - Native C
  101. Tag list
  102. UpdateTagList() - Native C
  103. UpdateTagList() - .NET (C#)
  104. GetTagListStatus() - Native C
  105. GetTagInfos() - Native C
  106. CreateConfigurationFile() - Native C
  107. I/O access
  108. GetAreaSize() - Native C
  109. ReadBit() - Native C
  110. ReadByte() - Native C
  111. ReadByte() - .NET (C#)
  112. ReadBytes() - .NET (C#)
  113. ReadSignals() - Native C
  114. I/O access via address - Writing
  115. WriteBit() - Native C
  116. WriteBit() - .NET (C#)
  117. WriteByte() - Native C
  118. WriteBytes() - Native C
  119. WriteBytes() - .NET (C#)
  120. WriteSignals() - Native C
  121. I/O access via tag name - Reading
  122. Read() - Native C
  123. Read() - .NET (C#)
  124. ReadBool() - Native C
  125. ReadInt8() - Native C
  126. ReadInt16() - Native C
  127. ReadInt32() - Native C
  128. ReadInt64() - Native C
  129. ReadUInt8() - Native C
  130. ReadUInt16() - Native C
  131. ReadUInt32() - Native C
  132. ReadFloat() - Native C
  133. ReadDouble() - Native C
  134. ReadChar() - Native C
  135. ReadWChar() - Native C
  136. ReadSignals() - .NET (C#)
  137. I/O access via tag name - Writing
  138. Write() - .NET (C#)
  139. WriteBool() - Native C
  140. WriteBool() - .NET (C#)
  141. WriteInt8() - Native C
  142. WriteInt8() - .NET (C#)
  143. WriteInt16() - Native C
  144. WriteInt16() - .NET (C#)
  145. WriteInt32() - Native C
  146. WriteInt32() - .NET (C#)
  147. WriteInt64() - Native C
  148. WriteInt64() - .NET (C#)
  149. WriteUInt8() - Native C
  150. Table 7- 205 WriteUInt8() - .NET (C#)
  151. Table 7- 206 WriteUInt16() - Native C
  152. Table 7- 207 WriteUInt16() - .NET (C#)
  153. Table 7- 208 WriteUInt32() - Native C
  154. Table 7- 209 WriteUInt32() - .NET (C#)
  155. Table 7- 210 WriteUInt64() - Native C
  156. Table 7- 211 WriteUInt64() - .NET (C#)
  157. Table 7- 212 WriteFloat() - Native C
  158. Table 7- 213 WriteFloat() - .NET (C#)
  159. Table 7- 214 WriteDouble() - Native C
  160. Table 7- 215 WriteDouble() - .NET (C#)
  161. Table 7- 216 WriteChar() - Native C
  162. Table 7- 217 WriteChar() - .NET (C#)
  163. Table 7- 218 WriteWChar() - Native C
  164. Table 7- 219 WriteWChar() - .NET (C#)
  165. Table 7- 220 WriteSignals() - Native C
  166. Settings for the virtual time
  167. Table 7- 223 SetSystemTime() - Native C
  168. Table 7- 226 SetScaleFactor() - Native C
  169. Cycle control
  170. Table 7- 230 OperatingMode { get; set; } - .NET (C#)
  171. Table 7- 233 IsSendSyncEventInDefaultModeEnabled { get; set; } - .NET (C#)
  172. Table 7- 236 OverwrittenMinimalCycleTime_ns { get; set; } - .NET (C#)
  173. Table 7- 239 StartProcessing() - Native C
  174. Acyclic services
  175. Figure 7-5 Flowchart
  176. ReadRecordDone / WriteRecordDone
  177. Table 7- 244 WriteRecordDone() - Native C
  178. AlarmNotification
  179. Table 7- 247 AlarmNotification() - .NET (C#)
  180. ProcessEvent
  181. Table 7- 249 ProcessEvent() - .NET (C#)
  182. PullOrPlugEvent
  183. Table 7- 251 PullOrPlugEvent() - .NET (C#)
  184. StatusEvent
  185. ProfileEvent
  186. UpdateEvent
  187. GetConfiguredProcessEvent
  188. RackOrStationFaultEvent
  189. Table 7- 264 RegisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback() - Native C
  190. Table 7- 266 UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedCallback() - Native C
  191. Table 7- 268 UnregisterOnOperatingStateChangedEvent() - .NET (C#)
  192. OnSyncPointReached events
  193. Table 7- 273 RegisterOnSyncPointReachedEvent() - Native C
  194. OnConfigurationChanging events
  195. Table 7- 280 RegisterOnConfigurationChangingCallback() - Native C
  196. Table 7- 283 UnregisterOnConfigurationChangingEvent() - Native C
  197. OnConfigurationChanged events
  198. Table 7- 289 RegisterOnConfigurationChangedEvent() - Native C
  199. OnLedChanged events
  200. Table 7- 296 RegisterOnLedChangedCallback() - Native C
  201. Table 7- 299 UnregisterOnLedChangedEvent() - Native C
  202. Events for acyclic services
  203. OnAlarmNotification events
  204. OnProcessEvent events
  205. OnPullOrPlugEvent events
  206. OnStatusEvent events
  207. OnProfileEvent events
  208. OnUpdateEvent events
  209. RackOrStationFault events
  210. API IRemoteRuntimeManager
  211. Table 7- 331 GetIP() - Native C
  212. Table 7- 335 GetRemoteComputerName() - Native C
  213. Table 7- 341 RegisterInstanceInfo { get; } - .NET (C#)
  214. Table 7- 343 RegisterInstance() - .NET (C#)
  215. Table 7- 344 RegisterCustomInstance() - Native C
  216. Table 7- 345 RegisterCustomInstance() - .NET (C#)
  217. Table 7- 346 CreateInterface() - Native C
  218. Table 7- 349 RegisterOnConnectionLostCallback() - Native C
  219. Table 7- 352 UnregisterOnConnectionLostCallback() - Native C
  220. Table 7- 356 WaitForOnConnectionLostEvent() - .NET (C#)
  221. Data types
  222. DLL import functions (Native C++)
  223. Event callback functions (Native C++)
  224. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SROS_SROS
  225. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRLT_SRLM
  226. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32
  227. EventCallback_IRRTM
  228. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32
  229. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDRI
  230. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_SDR
  231. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32
  232. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32
  233. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32
  234. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32
  235. EventCallback_II_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET
  236. Delegate_II_EREC_DT
  237. Delegate_II_EREC_DT_ELT_ELM
  238. Delegate_II_EREC_DT_UINT32_INT64_INT64_UINT32
  239. Delegate_IRRTM
  240. Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SRICC_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32_UINT32
  241. Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDRI
  242. Delegate_II_EREC_DT_SDR
  243. Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_EPPET_UINT32
  244. Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32_EPET_UINT32
  245. Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32
  246. Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_UINT32
  247. Delegate_SREC_ST_UINT32_ERSFET
  248. Definitions and constants
  249. Unions (Native C++)
  250. UDataValue
  251. Structures
  252. Table 7- 394 SDataValue - .NET (C#)
  253. SDVBNI
  254. SDataValueByAddressWithCheck
  255. SDataValueByNameWithCheck
  256. SInstanceInfo
  257. STagInfo
  258. Table 7- 412 STagInfo - .NET (C#)
  259. SIPSuite4
  260. Table 7- 415 SIPSuite4 - .NET (C#)
  261. SOnSyncPointReachedResult
  262. Table 7- 417 SOnSyncPointReachedResult - .NET (C#)
  263. SDataRecordInfo
  264. SDataRecord
  265. SConfiguredProcessEvents
  266. SDiagExtChannelDescription
  267. Table 7- 425 SDiagExtChannelDescription - .NET (C#)
  268. Enumerations
  269. ERuntimeErrorCode
  270. Table 7- 429 ERuntimeErrorCode - .NET (C#)
  271. EArea
  272. EOperatingMode
  273. ECPUType
  274. Table 7- 437 ECPUType - .NET (C#)
  275. ECommunicationInterface
  276. ELEDMode
  277. Table 7- 445 EPrimitiveDataType - .NET (C#)
  278. Table 7- 447 Compatible primitive data types - Write
  279. EDataType
  280. Table 7- 449 EDataType - .NET (C#)
  281. ETagListDetails
  282. ERuntimeConfigChanged
  283. EPullOrPlugEventType
  284. EDirection
  285. EDiagSeverity
  286. Overview
  287. OPC UA server
  288. Web server
  289. Backing up and restoring the configuration of a PLCSIM Advanced instance
  290. Restrictions for communications services
  291. Restrictions with Motion Control
  292. Technology modules
  293. Restrictions to local communication via Softbus
  294. Restrictions of security with VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)
  295. Deviating I/O values in the STEP 7 user program
  296. Error installing the antivirus software from Kaspersky
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Preface
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Documentation guide
  7. System overview
  8. What is the SIMATIC ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  9. Components
  10. Application planning
  11. Hardware configuration of the ET 200MP distributed I/O system with PROFINET interface module
  12. Hardware configuration of the ET 200MP distributed I/O system with PROFIBUS interface module
  13. System and load power supply
  14. Use of system power supplies
  15. Special considerations for the use of a system power supply in the first power segment
  16. Use of load power supplies
  17. Power balance calculation
  18. Installation
  19. Installing the mounting rail
  20. Installing a system power supply
  21. Installing a load current supply
  22. Installing the CPU
  23. Installing the interface module
  24. Installing I/O modules
  25. Wiring
  26. Operation on grounded infeed
  27. Electrical configuration
  28. Wiring rules
  29. Connecting the supply voltage
  30. Connecting system power supply and load current supply
  31. Connecting interfaces for communication
  32. Front connector for the I/O modules
  33. Wiring front connectors for I/O modules without shield contact element
  34. Wiring front connectors for I/O modules with shield contact element
  35. Bringing the front connector into final position
  36. Marking the I/O modules
  37. Optional marking
  38. Configuring
  39. Configuring the CPU
  40. Address assignment
  41. Addressing digital modules
  42. Addressing analog modules
  43. Process images and process image partitions
  44. Assign process image partitions to an OB
  45. Backing up and restoring the CPU configuration
  46. Backup from online device
  47. Upload from device (software)
  48. Upload device as new station
  49. Snapshot of the monitor values
  50. Overwriting actual values of a data block with snapshot values
  51. Configuring ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  52. Events and OBs
  53. CPU overload behavior
  54. Overview of the protection functions
  55. Configuring access protection for the CPU
  56. Using the display to set additional access protection
  57. Know-how protection
  58. Copy protection
  59. Protection by locking the CPU/interface module
  60. Flexible automation concepts
  61. Configuration control
  62. Rules
  63. Control data record for the S7-1500 Automation System
  64. Control data record for the ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  65. Feedback data record of the ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  66. Configuring and programming configuration control
  67. Transferring control data record in the startup program of the CPU
  68. Behavior during operation
  69. Commissioning
  70. Check before powering on for the first time
  71. Procedure for commissioning the S7-1500 automation system
  72. Removing/inserting a SIMATIC memory card on the CPU
  73. First power-on of the CPU
  74. Procedure for commissioning the ET 200MP distributed I/O system
  75. Commissioning the ET 200MP for PROFIBUS DP
  76. Operating modes of the CPU
  77. STOP mode
  78. RUN mode
  79. Operating mode transitions
  80. CPU memory reset
  81. Automatic memory reset
  82. Manual memory reset
  83. Identification and maintenance data
  84. Record structure for I&M data
  85. Shared commissioning of projects
  86. SIMATIC memory card
  87. Setting the card type
  88. Data transfer with SIMATIC memory cards
  89. CPU display
  90. Maintenance
  91. Replacement of I/O modules and front connectors
  92. Replacing an I/O module
  93. Replacing a front connector
  94. Replacing the coding element at the power connector of the system power supply and load current supply
  95. Firmware update
  96. Reset to factory settings
  97. Resetting interface module (PROFINET IO) to factory settings
  98. Test functions and fault resolution
  99. Reading out/saving service data
  100. Technical specifications
  101. Standards and Approvals
  102. Electromagnetic compatibility
  103. Shipping and storage conditions
  104. Mechanical and climatic ambient conditions
  105. Information on insulation tests, protection class, degree of protection and rated voltage
  106. Use of the S7-1500/ET 200MP in zone 2 hazardous areas
  107. A Dimension drawings
  108. A.2 Dimension drawing of shielding bracket for 35 mm modules
  109. A.3 Dimension drawing of shielding bracket for 25 mm modules
  110. A.5 Dimension drawing of shielding bracket for 25 mm modules
  111. A.8 Dimension drawings of the labeling strips
  112. Glossary
  113. Index
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Preface
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Documentation guide
  7. Product overview
  8. Components
  9. Properties
  10. Module overview
  11. Digital input modules
  12. Digital output modules
  13. Analog input modules
  14. Analog output modules
  15. Load current supply modules
  16. Technology modules
  17. Communication modules
  18. Application planning
  19. System and load power supply
  20. Use of system power supplies
  21. Special considerations for the use of a system power supply in the first power segment
  22. Power balance calculation
  23. Use of load power supplies
  24. Installation
  25. Installing the mounting rail
  26. Mounting a system power supply module
  27. Mounting a load current supply module
  28. Installing the CPU
  29. Installing I/O modules
  30. Rules and regulations for operation
  31. Operating the S7-1500 on grounded infeed
  32. Electrical configuration of the S7-1500
  33. Wiring rules
  34. Connect supply voltage to the CPU
  35. Connecting the system power supply and load current supply modules
  36. Connect interfaces for communication
  37. Front connector for the I/O modules
  38. Wiring front connectors for I/O modules without shield contact element
  39. Wiring front connectors for I/O modules with shield contact element
  40. Bringing the front connector into final position
  41. Marking the I/O modules
  42. Optional marking
  43. Configuring
  44. Address assignment
  45. Addressing digital modules
  46. Addressing analog modules
  47. Process images and process image partitions
  48. Automatically update process image partitions
  49. Commissioning S7-1500 - overview
  50. Review before the first power-on
  51. Commissioning procedure
  52. Removing/inserting the SIMATIC memory card
  53. First power-on
  54. Operating modes
  55. STARTUP" mode
  56. STOP" mode
  57. RUN" mode
  58. Memory reset
  59. Automatic memory reset
  60. Identification and maintenance data
  61. Record structure for I&M data
  62. Maintenance
  63. Replacement of I/O modules and front connectors
  64. Replacing an I/O module
  65. Replacing a front connector
  66. Replacing the coding element at the power connector of the system power and load current supply
  67. Firmware update
  68. Resetting the CPU to factory settings
  69. Test functions and fault resolution
  70. Reading out/saving service data
  71. SIMATIC memory card
  72. Setting the card type
  73. Data transfer with SIMATIC memory cards
  74. Display of the CPU
  75. Basics of program processing
  76. CPU overload behavior
  77. Protection
  78. Configuring access protection for the CPU
  79. Using the display to configure additional access protection
  80. Know-how protection
  81. Copy protection
  82. Protection by locking the CPU
  83. Technical specifications
  84. Electromagnetic compatibility
  85. Shipping and storage conditions
  86. Mechanical and climatic ambient conditions
  87. Information on insulation tests, protection class, degree of protection and rated voltage
  88. Use of the S7-1500 in Zone 2 potentially explosive atmospheres
  89. A.1 Dimension drawings of the mounting rails
  90. A.2 Dimension drawing of CPU, 35 mm wide
  91. A.3 Dimension drawing of CPU, 70 mm wide
  92. A.4 Dimension drawing of I/O module
  93. A.5 Dimension drawing of I/O module with shield contact element
  94. A.6 Dimension drawing of system power supply, 35 mm wide
  95. A.7 Dimension drawing of system power supply, 70 mm wide
  96. A.8 Dimension drawing of load power supply, 50 mm wide
  97. A.9 Dimension drawing of load power supply, 75 mm wide
  98. A.10 Dimension drawing of the shielding bracket
  99. A.12 Dimension drawing of the power supply element
  100. A.14 Dimensional drawing of communication module
  101. Glossary
  102. Index
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Welcome
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Automation task
  6. Sample project
  7. Hardware section
  8. Additional information
  9. Installing the assembly
  10. Wiring
  11. Wiring rules
  12. Wiring the mains connection plug
  13. Wiring the load current supply (PM) to the CPU
  14. Potential bridge circuits
  15. Wiring the digital output module
  16. Wiring front connectors
  17. Power on
  18. Assign IP address via the display
  19. Software section
  20. Creating a project
  21. Creating an S7-1500 CPU
  22. Running the hardware detection
  23. Creating ET 200 interface modules
  24. Networking ET 200 interface modules
  25. Creating input and output modules and a server module for ET 200SP
  26. Creating input and output modules for ET 200MP
  27. Assigning names for ET 200
  28. Creating the program
  29. Deleting program block Main [OB1]
  30. Copying program blocks
  31. Cyclic interrupt OB
  32. Changing the cycle time
  33. Copying tag tables
  34. Compiling a project
  35. Load project into the CPU
  36. Optimized block access
  37. Expanding and reloading the optimized "Filling" data block
  38. Versioning a block
  39. Setting retentivity
  40. Activating the EN/ENO mechanism
  41. Using the comment function
  42. Local error handling
  43. Loading blocks for local error handling
  44. Generating errors without local error handling
  45. Generating errors with local error handling
  46. Configure visualization
  47. SIMATIC HMI Comfort Panels
  48. HMI screens
  49. Additional control elements
  50. Recipes
  51. Archives
  52. User-defined functions
  53. User Management
  54. Multilingualism
  55. Reports
  56. Insert HMI device from libraries
  57. Configuring HMI connection
  58. Connecting HMI tags
  59. Configuring system diagnostics
  60. System diagnostics views
  61. Configuring the system diagnostic view
  62. Simulating an HMI device
  63. Operating the panel in simulation
  64. Loading the project into the programming device
  65. Team engineering via Inter Project Engineering
  66. Creating an IPE file
  67. Importing an IPE file
  68. Overview of the protective functions of the CPU
  69. Using the display to configure additional access protection
  70. Know-how protection
  71. Copy protection
  72. Protection by locking the CPU
  73. Configuring protection of the HMI connection
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Controller
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Documentation guide
  5. Guide to documentation S7-1500 / ET 200MP
  6. Maintenance
  7. Safety information
  8. Security information regarding Linux
  9. Product overview
  10. Introduction to PC-based control
  11. Overview of functions
  12. Functions
  13. Memory concept of the CPU
  14. Storage of retentive data
  16. Central I/O
  17. Fail-safe
  18. Installing
  19. Prepare base image
  20. Create live Debian USB flash drive with Rufus
  21. Install base image on CFast card
  22. Restore base image and backup image using USB restore flash drive
  23. Installing Linux
  24. Configuring the Linux operating system
  25. Mount the third partition permanently in the file system
  26. Disable Linux sub-system "cpuidle
  27. Copy libraries to the folder "/usr/lib64
  28. Installing packages with Linux components
  29. Installing the Hardware Support Package in the TIA Portal
  30. Insert CPU into configuration
  31. Configuring Web servers for Linux
  32. Downloading the project to the target system
  33. Communication between Linux and CPU
  34. Internal communication between Linux and CPU
  35. Using OPC UA locally on the same PC
  36. Establish remote access via Linux network interface
  37. Establish connection via Network Address Translation (NAT)
  38. Establishing a connection via a network bridge
  39. Using the Management tool for MAC addresses
  40. Operating the CPU via command-line commands
  41. Operating modes
  42. Operating mode transitions
  43. Firmware update of I/O modules
  44. Resetting the CPU
  45. Reset using STEP 7
  46. Resetting via the mode switch
  47. Backup and Restore Tool
  48. Special features
  49. Assignment of addresses with absolute addressing
  50. Protection
  51. General information on protection
  52. Access protection
  53. Protected project - Lost password
  54. Locking protection levels with the PLC program
  55. Protecting blocks
  56. Virus scanners and firewall
  57. Interrupts, error messages and diagnostics and system alarms
  58. Export of diagnostic information
  59. Diagnostics
  60. Error messages of the Diagnostics Tool
  61. Diagnostic information using STEP 7
  62. Diagnostics information using the web server
  63. Technical Data
  64. A.1 Permitted commands / parameters
  65. Glossary
  66. Index
Simatic S7-1500 first page preview

Simatic S7-1500

Brand: Siemens | Category: Scanner
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