Introduction, Table of ContentsSystem Overview 1Procedure - From Planning toInitial Operation 2IM 308-C and Memory Card 3S5-95U with DP Master Interface:Design and Method of Operation 4Routing Cables and BusConnectors 5RS 485-Repeaters 6Starting COM ET 200 Windows 7Parameterizing and Documentingwith COM ET 200 Windows 8IM 308-C – Addressing,Diagnostics, FB IM308C 9S5-95U – Addressing,Diagnostics, FB 230 10IM 308-C – Starting ET 200 11S5-95U – Starting ET 200 12Upgrading to COM ET 200Windows or to IM 308-C 13General Technical Data AAccess Commands for S5-115U,S5-135U and S5-155U BReaction Times CLightning Protection DDimensional Drawings EOrder Numbers FGlossary, IndexEdition 02EWA 4NEB 780 6000-02aET 200Distributed I/O SystemManualSIMATIC S5