Sharp SPC315 Instruction Manual & Warranty
SHARP.Instruction Manual & WarrantyThank you for your purchase of this quality clock. The utmost care has gone into the design andmanufacture of your clock. Please read t he se instructions ca refull y and store them in a safe pla ce forfuture reference.(TIME/12/24} Button--,,-:ii;::.0- 1 L.....--..r-(ALARM1 /0 N/OFF] Button[ALARM1 /A LARM2] Bunon [ALARM210N/OFF] Butt on[CALENDA RrCl"F] Button [MAX/MIN} Button[ADJUST/C HANNE L} Button---~:~;;;;::::::~=~:;::;~~~ ~ [SEARCHITIME ZONE] Button:::::,""=::.:;=:~;;;;,=;'::::=""",:::;=---- BATIERY COMPARTMENTAT BACKFEATURESSuper Accurate Time - Radio ccntrol ledOptional 12 or 24 hou r Time fo rm atAutomatically Updates for Da y Light Sa vings Time (DST)Constant Month, Day & Date DisplayConstant Moon Phase DisplayConstant Indoor Temperature Displayeonstar1t Outdoortemp·erature1.:>isptay- 4 3S MHz transmission fr om a wireless r emote sense(i ncluded).Min/Max Temp era ture HistoryConstant Alarm Time DisplayDua l Alarm wi th Repeat 9 Minute SnoozeBacklight on Demand fo r Nighttime ViewingLo w Battery Indica to r for Outdoor Sensor(s)Requires 2 "AAA" Batteries for (Sensor) and 3 "AAA" Batteries for (Main Unit)LCD DISPLAY SYMBOLS1. nme2. PM Ind icator3. Alarm1 /Alarm2 ON indicator4. Time Zone Indicator5. Daylight Savings Indicator (DST)6. Radio signal strength Indicator7. Da yoft heweek8. Moon Phase9. Month10.Date11. lndoortemperature display12 .0utdoor temperature display713 .Low battery indicator (outdoor sensor)14. Alarm1 /Alarm2 time display15. 12124 Hour Indicator15 5 4 6ALM1!h • ll)Al.M2 IPM'~,.~'" iTl(·)Qsg'" MOOH'HJ.SI!·r1 'f ClI l.J : 3"~5 08 10®"Tl.UP-. ='··~ F'f · ~'" -. -·~ • :ti=""i'.3n.. ,. u14INSTALLING OR REPLACING THE BATTERIES111213Important: Be sure to install the batteries in the remote outdoo r tempe r ature sensor firstbefore installing the batteries in the clock . Alka line batteries are recommended for both thesensor and clock .To i nstall the batteries in the remote outdoor temperature sensor :Begin by unsc re wing the battery co mpartment ccver on the back of the sensor (as shown in thebelow diagram)Insert two AAA batteries (not inc lud ed) into the battery compartment and make sure the polarity iscorrect by following the(+ or-) symbols engraved inside.Make sure that the outdoor sensor is setto Channel 1 (inside the battery_ ccmpartment there is aswitch with three different channel options). You MUST set the switch to Channel 1.Replace the battery ccmpartment ccver.When the batteries in the sensor beccme low, a low battery indicator symbcl will appear below thechannel indicator on the clock display (see the diagram abcve).To install the batteries in the clock:Begin by opening the battery ccmpart me nt ccver on the back of the clock (as shown in the be lowdiagram)Insert three AAA batteries (not included) into the battery ccmpartment and make sure the polarityis correct by following the(+ or-) symbols engraved inside.Replace battery compartment ccver door.Replace the batteries whenever the display becomes dim or difficult to read.Battery Warning :Set Switch toChannel 1Do not use rechargeable batteries.Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.Different types of ba tteries or new and used batteries are not to be mix.Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.Batteries are to be inserted with the ccrrect polarity.Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the product.The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.Do not dispose of batteries in fire ; batteries may explode or leak.Ad ult assembly r equ ired to replace a nd remove batteries.SELECTING THE TIME ZONEThe default time zone is Pa cific Zone. If your location is not in the Pacific Time Zone, pleasechoose the correct time zone by pressing the [SEARCHITIMEZONE]button: P =Pacific,M =Mountain, C =Central , E =Ea stern.RADIO CONTROL ED TIME FEATUREOnce the batteries are installed, the clock will begin to seek out the radio signal to update the time.Th is typica ll y takes aproxi mnrty 20 minutes in good conditions. If after 20 minutes the sign al has notbeen received, we re co mmend that you set the time manually.(See the section entitled 'Setting theTime Manually' .) After th e first signal is received , the clock wi ll automatically seek out the atomic clocksignal from Fort Collins, Co lorado each evening at 2:00AM & B:OOAM , and each day at 2:00 PM & B:OOPMand continues to do so each day.SETTING THE TI ME MANUALLYNO TE: It is reccmmend ed that for the first use of the clock, you set the clock manually and then allow--- the Radio Control signal to update the nme Setting each day.To set the time press and hold down the [TIME-12124HR] button for2 seconds, and releasebutton when the hour digi ts will begin to blink.While the hour is blinking press the [ADJUST/CHANNEL] button until you rea ch the desiredhour. Be sure to set the time to the ccrrect AM or PM hour shown by the indicator to the left ofthe timePress the [TIME-12/24HR] button again and th e minutes wi ll begin to blink. While the minutesare blinking press the [ADJUST/CHANNEL] button unt il you rea ch the desired minute.Once you have se t the desired time press the [TIME-12124HR] button again. The time is nowset and will return to normal time keepi ng mode.Note: In normal lime keeping mode, pressing the [TIME-12/24HR] button will toggle between the12 and 24 hour formats. When yo u are in the 24 hour format a 24 hour indi cator symbcl will appearabcve the time.SETIING THE CALENDAR·1nr1r~ ®--·(!·1- F-(Lf U) ~ 'I' ... ~~ -·3~ ' 1:1. Year2. Day3. Moon phase4. MonthTfJE Ct 3"25 " ~ ~,"3",. u5. Date6. Daylight Savings Time Ind icatorI I I ITo set the ca lendar, press and ho ld cbM1 th e{CALENDAR-C/F] button for 2 seconds andrelease button when th e year will begin to blink (see the diagram above)Wh il e the year is blinking press the [ADJ UST/CHANNEL] button until the clock displays thecorrect year. Note: This clock ha s a perpetual calendar that extends to the year 2049. If youmistakenly go past the ccrrect year just co ntin ue to press the ADJUST/CHANNEL button andthe year will cycle back to 2000.Press the [CALENDAR-C/F] button again, and the month will begin to bl ink. While the monthis blinking press the [ADJUST/CHANNEL] button until you reach the correct month.Press the[CALENDAR-C/ F] button again, and the date will begin to blink. While the date isblinking press the [ADJUST/CHANNEL] button until you reach the correct date.Note : The da y of the week and the moon phase wi ll adjust themselves a ut omati ca ll y dependingon what ye ar, month & date yo u en ter.Once you ha ve set the cale ndar press the [CALENDAR-C/F]button again. The calendar is nowset and the clock wi ll return to normal lime keeping mode.ABOUT THE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME (DST)This clock has been pre-programmed to automatically switch when daylight savings time is in effect. Yourclock will show "DST" on the display during this time (see the diagram above).Please note: With the pre -prog rammed DST featu re, if you live in an area where Dayl ig ht Savings Timeis not observed , the lime display on your clock wi ll read+/- one hour during the DST lime period.SETTING THE ALARMIn normal time keepi ng mode, press the (ALARM1/ALARM2] butt on to toggle between bothAlarm 1 lime and Alarm 2 time In lo w er~ght portion of the display.Press the (ALARM1/ALARM2] button until the alarm yo u would like to set (1 or 2) is shown on thedisplay.To set the alarm time, press and hold the [ALARM1/ALARM2] button for 2 seco nd s. Th e alarmhour will begin to blink.While the alarm hour is blinking press the [ADJUST/CHANNEL] button until you reach thedesired alarm hour. Be sure to set the alarm lime to the correct AM or PM setting shown bythe indicator to the left of the alarm time (see the diagram above) ·Press the [ALARM1 /ALARM2]bu tton again and the alarm minutes will begin to blink. While thealarm minut es are blinking press the [ADJUST/CHANNEL] button until you reach the desiredalarm minute.Once you have set the desired alarm time press th e [ALARM1/ALARM2] button again. Thealarm time is now set and the clock wi ll return to normal time keeping mode.Note: To set the 2 '" alarm press the [ALARM1/ALARM2] button until the 2 "' alarm time is shownon the display. Follow the steps above to set the 2 '" alarm time.1. Alarmnme2. Alarm 1 ON Indicator3. Alarm 2 ON Indicator4. AlarmAM5. Alarm PM6. Al arm (1 /2) Time IndicterUSING THE ALARM AND SNOOZE FUNCTIONTo activate alarm 1, press the [ALARM 1 ON/OFF] button. The following symbol will appearabove the time (ALM 1 (11.,11 )To activate alarm 2; press the [ALARM 2 ON /OFF]button. The following symbol will appearabove the lime ( 111 •111 ALM2)To deactivate ei ther alarm, simply press the [ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 ON/OFF] buttons and thesymbcl above the time will disappear.Note: The snooze function will be on automatically after activating the alarm .To activate the snooze function when the alarm sounds, ju st press the [SNOOZE/LIGHT] button.The alarm will stop sounding and then sound again in 9 minutes. This can be repeated up to 4 timesafter which the alarm will not sound again until the following day.When the Ala rm sounds, the LED backlight will stay on for 5 seconds.UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFER ENT MOON PHASESYour clock will show you the phase in which the moon is in that day. Below are the different moon phasesthat can be displayed:[] []] [J [i] i iJ [] []NEW r.tOON WAXING CRESCENT FIRST QUARTER WAXING GIBBOUS AA.I. MOON WANING GIBSOUS I.AST QUARTER WAN!NG CRESCENT |
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