53TEXT MESSAGING [L VERSION ONLY]This feature allows two digital keyset users to respond to each other withpreprogrammed messages. After receiving an Off Hook VoiceAnnouncement or Station Camp-On, you may respond with a text messagewhile continuing to talk and listen to your outside party. The other stationcan view this message and take the appropriate action or respond back withanother text message.There are 25 messages (01-25) stored in system memory that can be sentto another display keyset. Only the display keysets that are allowed in sys-tem programming (MMC 318) will receive the TMSG softkey in the displayand use this feature.Familiarization with the two digit message numbers you will use the most willmake this procedure quick and easy. However if you do not know them, usethe UP/DOWN key to scroll to the desired message, then press SEND.The basics steps in text messaging are:1. Press TMSG soft key to begin text messaging.2. Dial the 2 digit number for the desired message.3. Confirm this is the intended message then press SEND.4. Wait for a reply from the other station (steps 1, 2 & 3)5. When any station presses EXIT the displays at both stations return totheir previous call progress condition.At all times after step 1 you can talk and listen to your caller while repeatingsteps 2.The example on the following page will better demonstrate how to use TextMessaging. In this example station 205 is making an off hook voiceannouncement to station 205 who after hearing the announcement willrespond with a text message.STATION 201: LINDA STATION 205: JOHNreceived a call on line 702 is talking on line 701Talking on line 702702: 01:15 701: 05:25CONF PAGE MUTEPress TRANSFERTransfer:RETURNPSMG . . . . . . .Programmed Message 01–30RP . . . . . . . . . .Ring Plan . . . . . . . . . . .(1–6), HOLD for noneSG . . . . . . . . . .Station Group . . . . . . .500 or 5000 through 549 or 5049SPD . . . . . . . .Speed Dialing . . . . . . .00–49, 500–999DIR . . . . . . . . .Directory . . . . . . . . . . .PERS (1), SYS (2) or STN (3)VT . . . . . . . . . .Voice Mail Transfer . . .Voice Mail Group (501–549)NOTE: Confirm that the cursor is placed correctly before you enter the ex-tender.LCR WITH CLEARWhen you are making an outside call using LCR and dial an incorrect digit,you can press the CLEAR soft key to reenter the telephone number. You donot need to redial 9 to reaccess LCR.BACKSPACE WITH LCRIf you misdial while using LCR, you can delete digits shown in the display bypressing the BSPC soft key as many times as necessary.ADVANCED PROGRAMMEDMESSAGESThis is an advanced form of the PROGRAMMED MESSAGE feature withthe ability to add an extender such as date or time. Example [RETURNON:Dec/24] or [RETURN AT:03:30p]. These are messages 26-30 and canbe used in addition to 01-25 described in PAGING AND MESSAGING sec-tion in this guide.• With the handset on-hook, press TRANSFER and then dial 115.• Dial any message code (01-30) listed on the back of this user guide orpress UP or DOWN to select any message you desire. Messages 26-30are used for inserting a date or time. If you select one of these mes-sages (26-30), your phone will wait for five more digits to be entered. Atthis point you will enter two digits for hour or month (01-23) and two dig-its for day or minutes (00-59). The fifth and final digit to be entered is a✱ located on your dial pad to select “a” for A.M., “p” for P.M. or “/” fordate. Depressing the ✱ button on your dial pad will scroll through thesethree options (“a”, “p”, and “/”).• Press TRANSFER to exit and store your selection.To cancel any of these messages:• With the handset on-hook, dial 48 plus 00, OR• With the handset on-hook press TRANSFER and then dial 115 plus 00and TRANSFER again to exit.52