25ⶺConnection cable specificationsⶺVarious settingsⷅDo not connect to AC Power. It may result in electrical shock and/or fire.ⷅAfter changing the setting switch, always turn the power off and on.4FUUJOHTInstallationChapter 3ⷀ Setting supervise mode[Setting J1 Jumper on the SVD-4332’ s bottom]Normal mode(Insert)(Remove)Refer to 11 pagefor only supervisesettings$BVUJPOMonitor VS Door Camera1 [RED] + 12 V2 [GREEN] VOICE3 [WHITE] VIDEO4 [BLACK] GNDMonitor VS Multi Panel1 [RED] + 12 V2 [GREEN] VOICE3 [WHITE] VIDEO4 [BLACK] GNDMonitor VS Slave1 [RED] + 12 V2 [BLUE] DATA3 [ORANGE] SOUND 14 [VIOLET] SOUND 25 [WHITE] VIDEO6 [BLACK] GNDMonitor VS Door Lock1 [RED] DOOR LOCK2 [BLACK]Monitor VS Bell1 [RED] Door Bell2 [BLACK]248JSJOHFor safety and correct product connection, always install the product as shown in the wiring diagram below:ⶺ4 Monitors + 1 Door camera + 1 Multi panelⶺ1 Monitor + 1 Doorbell + 1 Door lock/PUFⷅIf a doorbell is connected, the DOOR1 port does not connect anything.ⷅIf a doorbell is connected, be sure set the BELL SET item of the supervisor setting mode is SET./PUFⷅBe sure the multi panel connect to the DOOR2 port.ⷅThe door lock can connect to the doorphone. If the door lock is connected, be sure set the DOOR OPEN SETitem of the supervisor setting mode is CAMERA for door open function.ⷅInstalling the door lock system designated by our company to your entrance door enables you to open the door bypressing the Door Open button during an entrance call.8BSOJOH