17OperationChapter 2-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---1. During the Supervisor setting mode, press the SET button repeatedly to select the Q.CHROMA DELAY.2. Press the + and - buttons repeatedly to select the desired time (1SEC ~ 3SEC).3. Press the Interphone button to store your setting.-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---ⶺSetting the Chroma DelaySet to the Chroma delay time for image displaying.-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---1. During the Supervisor setting mode, press the SET button repeatedly to select the R.STORAGE IMAGENUM.2. Press the + and - buttons repeatedly to select the desired number (32, 64, 128 or 333).3. Press the Interphone button to store your setting.-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---ⶺSetting the Storage Image NumberSet to the number of storage image.ⷅAfter set to the R.STORAGE IMAGE NUM, the stored all images are deleted.16These functions are used to customize some product functions in the user’s environment.4VQFSWJTPSTFUUJOH'VODUJPOT-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---1. During the Supervisor setting mode, press the SET button repeatedly to select the O.SUPERVISORDEFAULT.2. Press the + / - buttons repeatedly to select the YES or NO.Yes : Perform the initialization No : Cancel the initialization3. Press the Interphone button to store your setting.-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---ⶺInitializing the Supervisor mode-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---1. During the Supervisor setting mode, press the SET button repeatedly to select the N.VIDEO MODESELECT.2. Press the + / - buttons repeatedly to select the NTSC or PAL.3. Press the Interphone button to store your setting.-.---.-.-.-----.---.-.-.---..-.---.-..---.-------.----.---.-.-...---.-.---..-.---.-..---Set to the video signal scanning type for door camera1/2.ⷅAfter connecting to the DOOR1/2 port to camera (lobby), be sure set to the camera’s video signal scanning type on theN.VIDEO MODE SELECT item.ⷅWhen the DOOR1 and DOOR2 port are connected to cameras, the both camera device’s video signal type are same mode,otherwise display will be abnormal.ⶺSetting the Video modeⷅSupervisor Default setting values- ID MASTER- Camera Quantity 1- Bell set Release- Multi lobby Release- Door1 open Main- Door2 Open Main- Door1 open time 1sec- Door2 open time 1sec- Door1 call time 1min- Door2 call time 1min- Slave call time 1min- Door1 talk time 3min- Door2 talk time 3min- Slave talk time 3min- Nand bulk adjust no- Video mode NTSC- Indicate LED OFF- Chroma delay 1sec- Storage image num 128