19ⶺReplaying stored images The stored images can bereplayed by pressing the Record/Replay button in standby mode. The next image can be replayed bypressing the + and - buttons inimage replay mode.ⷅIf no image is stored, the text showing “No Image” is displayed on the screen.ⶺDeleting the current image The current image can be deleted by pressingInterphone button in image replay mode.OperationChapter 218ⶺAuto-recording of missed visitor imagesThese functions are used to record/store visitor images.7JTJUPS*NBHF'VODUJPOT If a call by a visitor is disconnected by not answeringthe call within CALL TIME by supervisor setting, thevisitor’s image is recorded/stored automatically.ⷅThe recorded/stored images can be replayed/checked/deleted in visitor image replay mode.ⷅThe calling visitor's images are automatically recorded/stored in absent status or during sleeping time.ⶺRecording visitor images manuallyWhen an image is displayed on the screen,the screen image can be recorded/stored atany time by pressing the Record/Replaybutton.ⷅVisitor images are manually recorded/stored when the images are displayed on the screen.