Index313IndexMacintosh 225printing feature 218problemoperating system problems 289problemscopying problems 285faxing problems 287paper feeding problems 271power problems 272printing problems 273printing quality problems 277scanning problems 286Rrear view 22regulatiory information 127reportsmachine information 195, 198, 199, 200,204, 205, 207, 208resolutionfaxing 68Ssafetyinformation 14symbols 14Samsung Printer Status 264scangeneral setup 202Scan Assitant 234scan feature 230ScanningScanning with Samsung Scan Assitant 234scanningbasic information 230Linux scanning 236Macintosh scanning 235Scanning from image editing program 233Scanning from network connected machine231, 232Scanning using the WIA driver 233USB flash memory 70service contact numbers 294SetIP program 151, 178Special features 212specifications 118print media 120status 25, 27suppliesavailable supplies 76estimated toner cartridge life 79monitoring the supplies life 88ordering 76replacing toner cartridge 82SyncThru Web Servicegeneral information 253SyncThru™ Web Service 253Ttoner cartridgeestimated life 79handling instructions 78non-Samsung and refilled 78redistributing toner 80replacing the cartridge 82storing 78trayadjusting the width and length 42changing the tray size 42setting the paper size and type 48