VIEWING PHOTOSYou can view recorded photos by using various playback functions.PRECHECK!Insert a memory card.tSet the appropriate storage media. (HMX-H203/H204/H205 only)t page 27Touch the Play (t ) tab on the LCD screen to select the play mode. page 231. Touch the Photo ( ) tab.t 5IFUIVNCOBJMWJFXBQQFBSTt 5PDIBOHFUIFDVSSFOUUIVNCOBJMWJFX TFMFDU ), ( ),or ( ) tab on the screen.t *GZPVTFMFDUUIFUIVNCOBJMEJTQMBZCZUIFEBUF ( ), you cansort photos by specifi c dates. page 43t 5PDIBOHFUIFDVSSFOUUIVNCOBJMQBHF UPVDIUIFVQ ) ordown ( ) tab.2. Touch your desired photo to display.t 5IFTFMFDUFEQIPUPJTEJTQMBZFEJOGVMMTDSFFOBOEQMBZCBDLcontrol tabs appear briefl y. They reappear when you touchanywhere on the screen.t 5PVDIQSFWJPVTJNBHF )/ next image ( ) tab to view theprevious and next photo.t 1MBDFBOEIPMEZPVSmOHFSPOUIFQSFWJPVTJNBHF )/nextimage ( ) tab to search for a desired photo number quickly.When you lift off your fi nger, the selected photo is displayed.3. To return to the thumbnails, touch the Return ( ) tab.Loading time may vary depending on the size and quality of the selected photo.t %POPUQPXFSPGGPSFKFDUUIFNFNPSZDBSEEVSJOHQIPUPQMBZCBDL%PJOHTPNBZEBNBHFUIFrecorded data.t Your camcorder may not playback the following photo fi les normally:- A photo whose fi le name was changed on a PC.- A photo recorded on another device.- A photo with a fi le format not supported by this camcorder. (One that does not conform to DCFstandards.)basic playback3/3HD SDMENU3/3HD SDMENU14/17100-0014MENU