t :PVDBOBMTPPQFSBUFUIJTGVODUJPOJOUIFGVMMBOETJOHMFJNBHFEJTQMBZNPEFt *GUIFXSJUFQSPUFDUJPOUBCPOUIFNFNPSZDBSEJTTFUUPMPDL ZPVDBOOPUTFUUIJTGVODUJPOpage 29file managementPROTECTION FROM ACCIDENTAL ERASUREYou can protect important recordings from accidental erasure. The protected videos andphotos can not be deleted unless you format the memory card or cancel the protection.PRECHECK!Insert a memory card.tSet the appropriate storage media. (HMX-H203/H204/H205 only)t page 27Touch the Play (t ) tab on the LCD screen to select the play mode. page 231. Touch the HD ( HD ), SD ( SD ) or Photo ( ) tab.t 7JEFPTPSQIPUPTBQQFBSBTUIVNCOBJMT2. Touch the Menu ( ) tab “Protect.”3. Touch the desired submenu item.t 5IFNFTTBHFUIBUDPSSFTQPOETUPUIFTFMFDUFEPQUJPOBQQFBST.4. Touch “:FT”t 5IFQSPUFDUJPOJTTFUUPPOPSPGGt 5IF ) indicator appears on or disappears from the protectedfi le.Submenu itemst Select Files: Protects individual images.Touch the images to protect from erasure.The ( ) indicator is displayed on the selected images.Touching the thumbnail image toggles the imagebetween being selected ( ) or not selected.Touch the ( ) tab.t All On: Protects all images.t All Off: Releases the protected images all at once.Select FilesAll OnAll Off1/1ProtectOK3/3Protect2/ 2Story-Board PrintEditFile InfoProtect