USBMessage Icon *OGPSNTUIBU ActionFail PrinterConnectingChange 'USBConnect'-A problem occurred whenconnecting the camcordervia USB to a printer.t $IFDLUIF64#DBCMFt 5SZUIFDPOOFDUJPOQSPDFEVSFBHBJOt 4XJUDIiUSB connect” function to“1JDU#SJEHF”Fail USB ConnectingChange 'USBConnect'-A problem occurred whenconnecting the camcordervia USB to a PC.t $IFDLUIF64#DBCMFt 5SZUIFDPOOFDUJPOQSPDFEVSFBHBJOt 4XJUDIiUSB connect” function to “Mass4UPSBHF”Ink Error - There is a problem with theink cartridge.t $IFDLUIFJOLDBSUSJEHFt 1VUBOFXJOLDBSUSJEHFJOUIFQSJOUFSPaper Error - There is a problem with thepaper.t $IFDLUIFQBQFSJOUIFQSJOUFS*GUIFSFJTno paper, insert paper.File Error - There is a problem with thefile.t :PVSDBNDPSEFSEPFTOPUTVQQPSUUIJTmMFformat.t 5SZBOPUIFSmMFSFDPSEFEPOZPVScamcorder.Printer Error - There is a problem with theprinter.t 5VSOUIFQSJOUFSTQPXFSPGGBOEPOt $POUBDUUIFQSJOUFSNBOVGBDUVSFSTTFSWJDFcenter.Print Error - A problem occurred duringprinting.t %POPUSFNPWFQPXFSTPVSDFPSFKFDUmemory card during printing.When there is dew condensation, put the camcorder aside for a while before usingt 8IBUJTEFXDPOEFOTBUJPODew condensation happens when a camcorder is moved to a location where there is a significanttemperature difference from the previous location. The dew condenses on the external or internalparts of the camcorder, and on the reflection lens. If there is dew on or in your camcorder, it maycause the camcorder to malfunction or damage the camcorder when you turn the power on.t &YBDUMZXIFOEPFTEFXDPOEFOTBUJPOPDDVSWhen you move the camera to a location with a higher temperature than the previous location, orwhen you move it to a hot area suddenly. Examples:- You record outside in cold weather during the winter and then move the camera in indoors.- You record outside in hot weather after being indoors or inside a car where the A/C wasrunning.t 8IBUDBO*EPTurn the power off, detach the battery, and leave the camcorder in a dry area for 1~2 hours beforeusing it.troubleshooting120