SYMPTOMS AND SOLUTIONSIf these instructions do not solve your problem, contact your nearest Samsung authorizedservice center.PowerSymptom Explanation/SolutionThe camcorder does not turn on.t 5IFCBUUFSZNBZOPUCFJOTUBMMFEJOZPVSDBNDPSEFS*OTFSUUIFbattery to the camcorder.t 5IFJOTFSUFECBUUFSZNBZCFEJTDIBSHFECharge the battery or replace it with a charged one.t *GZPVVTFUIF"$QPXFSBEBQUPS NBLFTVSFJUJTQSPQFSMZconnected to a wall outlet.The power turns off automatically.t *Ti"VUP1PXFS0GGw set to i.JOw *GOPCVUUPOJTQSFTTFEGPSabout 5 minutes, the camcorder is automatically turned off (“Auto1PXFS0GGw). To disable this option, change the setting of “Auto1PXFS0GGwto i0GGw page 81t 5IFCBUUFSZJTBMNPTUFYIBVTUFE$IBSHFUIFCBUUFSZPSSFQMBDFJUwith a charged one.Power cannot be turned off. t 3FNPWFUIFCBUUFSZPSVOQMVHUIF"$QPXFSBEBQUPS BOEDPOOFDUthe power supply to the camcorder again before turning it on.The battery is quickly discharged.t 5IFBNCJFOU FYUFSOBMUFNQFSBUVSFJTUPPMPXt 5IFCBUUFSZJTOPUGVMMZDIBSHFE$IBSHFUIFCBUUFSZBHBJOt 5IFCBUUFSZIBTSFBDIFEUIFFOEPGJUTMJGFTQBOBOEDBOOPUCFrecharged. Use another battery.DisplaySymptom Explanation/SolutionThe TV screen or LCD display hasdistorted images or has stripes atthe top/bottom or on the left/right.t 5IJTDBOPDDVSXIFOSFDPSEJOHPSWJFXJOHBSBUJPJNBHFPOa 4:3-ratio TV, or vice versa. For more details, see the displayspecification. page 106Unknown image appears on theLCD screen.t 5IFDBNDPSEFSJTJO%FNPNPEF*GZPVEPOPUXBOUUPTFF%FNPimages, change the settingi%FNPw to i0GGw page 88Unknown indicator appears on thescreen.t "XBSOJOHJOEJDBUPSPSNFTTBHFBQQFBSTPOUIFTDSFFOpages 117~120The afterimage remains on the LCDscreen.t 5IJTPDDVSTJGZPVEJTDPOOFDUUIF"$QPXFSBEBQUPSPSSFNPWFUIFbattery before turning the power off.The image on the LCD screen looksdark. t "NCJFOUMJHIUUPPCSJHIU"EKVTUUIFCSJHIUOFTTBOEBOHMFPG-$%121