t :PVDBOEVCWJEFPTSFDPSEFEPOUIJTDBNDPSEFSCZDPOOFDUJOHUIFTVQQMJFEDPNQPOFOU"7DBCMFUPB7$3PSDVD/HDD recorder. All the recorded videos will be dubbed with SD (standard defi nition) image quality, regardless ofthe recording resolution (HD/SD).t :PVDBOOPUEVCUPBSFDPSEFSXJUIBO)%.*DBCMFt 5PDPQZBO)%RVBMJUZWJEFPJO)% IJHIEFmOJUJPO JNBHFRVBMJUZ VTFUIFCVJMUJOTPGUXBSFPGZPVSDBNDPSEFS BOEcopy the video to your computer.t 4JODFEVCCJOHJTQFSGPSNFEWJBBOBMPHEBUBUSBOTGFS UIFJNBHFRVBMJUZNBZEFUFSJPSBUFt 5PIJEFUIFTDSFFOJOEJDBUPST TVDIBTBDPVOUFS FUD POUIFTDSFFOPGUIFDPOOFDUFENPOJUPSEFWJDFDPOOFDUFE set “TV Display: Off.” page 87t When you are connecting your camcorder to a monaural device, connect the blue plug of the component/AV cable tothe video input jack, and the red (right channel) or the white (left channel) plug to the audio input jack on the device.dubbing videosDUBBING TO A VCR OR DVD/HDD RECORDERYou can dub images played back on you camcorder to other recording devices, such as VCRsor DVD/HDD recorders. Be sure to connect your camcorder to the wall outlet using the suppliedAC power adaptor for this function.PRECHECK!Dubbing transfers analog video data through a component or composite connection. You must usethe supplied component/AV cable.1. Turn on your camcorder and touch the play ( ) tab.t 4FUUIFDBNDPSEFSTPVUQVUTJHOBMUPDPNQPOFOUPSDPNQPTJUFVTJOHUIFiAnalog TVOut” function. page 852. Insert the recording media in the recording device.t *GZPVSSFDPSEJOHEFWJDFIBTBOJOQVUTFMFDUPS TFUJUUPUIFJOQVUNPEF3. Connect your camcorder to the recording device (VCR or DVD/HDD recorder) with thesupplied component/AV cable (composite connection).t $POOFDUZPVSDBNDPSEFSUPUIFJOQVUKBDLTPGUIFSFDPSEJOHEFWJDF4. Start the playback on your camcorder, and record it on the recording device.t 3FGFSUPUIFJOTUSVDUJPONBOVBMTTVQQMJFEXJUIZPVSSFDPSEJOHEFWJDFGPSEFUBJMT5. When dubbing is fi nished, stop the recording device and then your camcorder.107CamcorderSignal fl owComponent/AV cableVCR or DVD/HDDrecorder