Chat Fusion User’s Guide 164Setting the Pointer’s OpacityPointer Opacity allows you to set the pointer’s percentage of transparency,which determines how clearly the underlying image will show through thepointer. Increasing the opacity percentage makes the pointer closer toopaque, allowing less of the underlying image to show through.To set the pointer’s opacity percentage, choose Pointer Opacity from thePointer Visual Effects screen. The Pointer Opacity window opens.To allow less of the underlying image to showthrough, tap +. To allow more of theunderlying image to show through, tap –.Or use the keyboard to enter the exactsetting you want.Choose OK.Setting the Pointer’s ColorPointer Color allows you to set the color of the pointer. To set thepointer’s color, choose Pointer Color from the Pointer Visual Effectsscreen. The Pointer Color window opens.Tap a color in the color selection window.The selected color appears in the circle tothe right of Pointer Color on the PointerVisual Effects screen.