3–Data Migration ObjectsData Migration Job GroupsISR654608-00 C 3-3Data Migration Job GroupsThe iSR6200 uses the concept of job groups to associate data migration jobs withuser-defined groups. A job group allows better management of data migrationjobs. You can create a maximum of eight job groups. The SANsurfer RouterManager also has commands to remove and edit job groups.The groups can be classified for data migration jobs related to application type orserver class. For example, a data migration job related to the Microsoft Exchangeapplication could be part of group named “Exchange,” and a data migration jobrelated to a payroll application could be part of group named “Payroll.” The datamigration jobs are tracked separately within each group. The group information foreach data migration job is also recorded in the data migration log (see “DataMigration Job Log” on page 5-27).If no group is defined, all jobs are assigned to the default group, Group 0. Youcannot delete Group 0.Data Migration JobsDMS manages the data migration processes in terms of data migration jobs. Youcan schedule a maximum of 512 jobs (256 jobs per blade) to run at any time. Thisdiscussion of data migration jobs covers: “Job Attributes” on page 3-3 “Migration Types” on page 3-4 “Job Scheduling” on page 3-5 “Job States” on page 3-6Job AttributesData migration jobs include the following attributes: Migration Type: Data migration jobs can be either online (local or remote)or offline. For details, see “Migration Types” on page 3-4. Source and Destination LUN: For an offline migration job, you canconfigure a single source LUN to migrate to one or multiple destinationLUNs. For an online migration job, you can configure a single source LUN tomigrate to only one destination LUN. Any specified destination LUN can bepart of a single data migration job. Job groups: For better manageability, you can configure data migrationjobs to belong to a specific, user-defined job group. By default, a job isassigned to a default group, Group 0. For details, see “Data Migration JobGroups” on page 3-3.