71ERROR MESSAGE LISTSMTPCategoryPOP3 server errorSMTP server errorConnection errorInternal errorError MessageAuthentication error (POP3)Authentication error (SMTP)Connection error to DNS server(Cannot resolve server name)Cannot connect to SMTP serverMAIL FROM command errorRCPT TO command errorUndefined errorCannot connect to POP3 serverPossible cause / Possible solutionFTPFTP server errorConnection errorInternal errorConnection error to DNS server(Cannot resolve server name)Cannot connect to FTP serverConnection error occurred onFTP server• The entered name for the DNS server might be incorrect.Check the DNS settings.• The DNS server might be down. Refer to your networkadministrator.• The IP address of the FTP server might be incorrect.• The FTP server might be down. Refer to your network admin-istrator.A connection error might have occurred on the FTP serverside.File transfer errorUndefined errorPassive mode errorLog out failedDirectory change failedUser name or password isn't cor-rectFile transfer might have failed. Check the network connectionstatus.A problem might have occurred in the FTP function. Check theFTP client settings.During FTP transfer an error might have occurred. Check theFTP client settings.An error might have occurred during the connection with theserver. Refer to the administrator of the server.The directory path might be incorrect. Check the FTP clientsettings.Entered user name and/or password might be incorrect. Checkthe FTP client settings.Entered user name and/or password might be incorrect. Checkthe mail settings.Entered user name and/or password might be incorrect. Checkthe mail settings.• The entered name for the DNS server might be incorrect.Check the DNS settings.• The DNS server might be down. Refer to your networkadministrator.• The IP address of the SMTP server might be incorrect.• The SMTP server might be down. Refer to your networkadministrator.The entered sender mail address might be incorrect. Checkthe mail settings.The entered recipient mail address might be incorrect. Checkthe mail settings.The mail function might have problems. Check the mail set-tings.• The IP address of the POP3 server might be incorrect.• The POP3 server might be down. Refer to your networkadministrator.