• Though the "Alarm log list" displays up to 100 alarm logs,only 60 pictures can be stored at the maximum.• Depending on the traffic of the network, a drop frame mayoccur while monitoring alarm pictures. If this occurs, clickthe [B] button or the [A] button to monitor each frame.• Display the saved still pictures (JPEG) using the webbrowser. Some image-editing software cannot open ordisplay the saved still pictures.! Important48DETECTING MOTION IN THE MONITORED AREAViewing the Picture Stored in the CameraCheck the picture stored in the camera when the alarm occurred. This operation can be made on the "Alarm log list"page. You can browse the saved pictures after the alarm has been reset.Click the [Alarm Log List] button.STEP1Begin the operation from the "Top Menu" page. Refer topage 24 and 25 to display the "Top Menu" page.The "Alarm log list" page appears.Screenshot 2Screenshot 1Click the desired log from the alarm log list onthe left side.The picture (JPEG) of the selected log appearson the right side. (Only if the selected picture isremaining.)To view the previous or next pictureautomaticallyOperate the "Control" buttons.[B] button: Displays the next picture automati-cally.[A] button: Displays the previous picture auto-matically.[y] button: Stops displaying the picture automat-ically.[d] button: Displays the last picture.[s] button: Displays the first picture.JPEGn (current frame number)/nn (total frame num-ber) appears in the box surrounded by [B] and[A] buttons.[B] button: Displays the next frame.[A] button: Displays the previous frame.Image sizeClick one of the buttons (x1.0 / x1.5 / x2.0) toselect the desired image size.To return to the current camera picture, click the"Control" button.STEP3STEP2