36Step1Create a VMD area by dragging the mouse on thescreen.(a) When selecting area to create the first VMD area onimages, the selected area will be set as VMD area 1(white) and the white border will be displayed.(b) The subsequently created VMD areas will be set innumerical order (2-4) and the color of the outline ofthe areas indicates the respective VMD area number(2: blue, 3: green, 4: red).(c) When the VMD area is created, "Status" of the creat-ed VMD area will be set to "On" automatically.Step 2Adjust the detection sensitivity using the slider.• Available sensitivity level is 1 (low) - 15 (high).• The adjusted detection sensitivity will be applied toall of the VMD areas.• Status of motion detection will be displayed in thedetection area according to the currently being dis-played area and the detection sensitivity.Change/adjust the detection area and the detectionsensitivity according to your need.Step 3Click the [Set] button.The edited settings will be applied.Step 4To invalidate the VMD area, click the [Set] button afterselecting "Off" for "Status" of the VMD area to be invali-dated.• The outline of the invalidated VMD area will turn to abroken line.• No alarm action will be performed even when motionis detected in the area.Step 5To delete the VMD area, click the [Delete] button.The outline of the respective VMD area will disappear.Step 6Click the [Set] button.The edited settings will be applied.Set the VMD areas