33TV Operation ADVANCED ADJUST(Only when you selected CUSTOM in PIC MODE)Item FunctionEDGE TRANS. Improves edges in the background to reduceovershooting and improve the sense of depth.GRAY EMPHASIS Emphasizes the sharpness in density of manycolor differences.GAMMA ADJUST Increases the brightness of the center ranges toimprove detail and contrast in dark scenes.BLACK EXTENSION Contrast level will be improved.WHITE CHAR CORR It makes white characters brighter.Other Adjust1 Press MENU.2 Press ◄► to select “SET UP.”3 Press ▲▼ to select “OTHER ADJUST” and pressENTER. M E N UA D J . S E T U P F U N C .L A N G U A G EP R O G R A M C HC L O C KL O C KC L O S E D C A P T I O NI N P U T L A B E LO T H E R A D J U S TOKPAGERETURNSELECT4 Press ▲▼ to select the item.5 Press ◄► to select the setting.O T H E R A D J U S T P A G E 1 / 2V I D E O N RO F F O NM P E G N RO F F O N3 D Y / CO F F O NC O L O R M A T R I XS D H DCHANGERETURNSELECTO T H E R A D J U S T P A G E 2 / 2P O W E R S A V ES A V I N GF R O N T D I S P L A YA U T OCHANGERETURNSELECT VIDEO NRIn the event of weak signal conditions, the VIDEO NR circuitryreduces noise in the luminance channel. It is important to notethat VIDEO NR should remain OFF for maximum picture detailwhen receiving a strong signal or viewing high-quality video.ON When signal is noisy.OFF When signal is high-quality.• PIC MODE setting is stored separately for TV, VIDEO1, VIDEO2,COMPONENT, HDMI and DVD/SD mode. MPEG NRNoise unique to DVD, STB, etc. will be reduced. 3D Y/CMinimizes noise and cross color in the picture. Not available forCOMPONENT VIDEO INPUT, HDMI and DVD/SD mode input.• PIC MODE setting is stored separately for TV, VIDEO1, VIDEO2,COMPONENT, HDMI and DVD/SD mode.ON Reduces noise in the picture.OFF Set to OFF if picture appears unnatural.ON Usually set to ON.OFF Set to OFF if picture appears unnatural. COLOR MATRIXDisplays input signals (480p signals) in a natural color.Automatically adjusts color parameters for HD (high definition)and SD (standard definition). POWER SAVEThe POWER SAVE mode is suitable for watching television atnight. Power consumption will be reduced. FRONT DISPLAYSD When the input signal is a normal TV system (NTSC).HD When the input signal is a High-definition system (HD).STANDARDSet to STANDARD normally. The peak brightness is notreduced and you can view normal lighting transitions inthe picture.SAVING The peak brightness of the brightest scenes is reducedconserving power while giving you a natural picture.The Front Display brightness is adjustable. To display the clockeven when power is off, please select DIM or BRIGHT.AUTODisplay is bright only when power is ON. Display goesout when power is OFF, but lights dimly during recording,etc.BRIGHT Display is always bright.DIM Display is always dim.OFF Display is always off.