15Getting StartedConnectionsNotes on connections• Turn off the power supply for all components before making any connections.• If the cables necessary for connecting a component to the system are not included with the component or available as an option, you may need tofashion a cable to suit the component concerned.• Read the instruction manual for each system component carefully before connecting it.Connect the cable from Antenna to the VHF/UHF terminal on theunit.Cable ConnectionOvertightening “Nut type” RF coaxial cables may damage jacks. Finger tighten only.Connecting the RF in TerminalNote to CABLE system installer:This reminder is provided to call the CABLE (Cable TV) SystemInstaller’s attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that providesguidelines for proper grounding and, in partic ular, specifies thatthe cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system ofthe building, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.Cable BoxIn from CABLEVHFAntennaUHFAntennaCAUTIONOrMixerAntenna ConnectionConnect the cable supplied by your local cable company to VHF/UHF terminal on the unit.Note:• When the RF coaxial cable is connected to the projection display VHF/UHF terminal via a cable box or VCR, set the TV channel to CH3 or CH4.This does not apply when signal is input from VIDEO INPUT.Use this configuration when connecting the LCD TV Antenna andCable TV system using VCR.OrConnect the cable from the Outputterminal on the back of the CableBox or antenna/cable system to theAntenna input terminal on the backof the VCR.VCRIncoming Cable fromAntenna or Cable TV System↑ TO VCRIn from cableTERMINAL ON THEBACK OF THE CABLEBOXCABLE BOX↑ TO VCRConnecting the Antenna / Cable to the RF INTerminal (VCR) Cable / Antenna Connection Incoming 75Ω Cable fromHome Antenna / CableCompanyF-Type AntennaConnectorAntennaTerminal on theBack of the TV