86 87Description of Mail DisplayNETWORK FUNCTIONSDwelling Unit NumberList DisplayDwelling Unit Number List Display Area The dwelling unit number is displayed here.1TOP MENU Button This button will return you to the Top Menu.2Return Button This button returns you to the previous display.3Previous and Next Buttons4Select Button This button displays in the Address List Display a dwelling unit number selected from thedwelling unit number list.5Title List and Fixed Phrases List DisplaysTitle/Fixed Phrase Display Area The title is displayed here. (The format is the same for fixed phrases.)1TOP MENU Button This button will return you to the Top Menu.2Return ButtonThis button returns you to the Create Mail Display.* If the Address List Display is entered when a title is already displayed in the Create MailDisplay and this button is pressed without selecting a title, the title display area will be blankwhen you return to the Create Mail Display.3Previous and Next Buttons4Select Button This button displays in the Create Mail Display the titles and fixed phrases selected fromthe Title List and Fixed Phrases List.5The operations for titles and fixed phrases are thesame, and only the displays are different.Reading Received Mail12Notice3If no mail is received, then the displayshown to the left will appear.For new mail, a mark will be displayedbefore the number of the mail.(After the mail has been read, the markwill disappear.)Previous ButtonNext Button: This button displays the previous page of the dwelling unit number list.: This button displays the next page of the dwelling unit number list.* If the Previous Button is pressed on page 1, the last page will be displayed. If the NextButton is pressed on the last page, page 1 will be displayed.Previous ButtonNext Button: This button displays the previous page of the title list.: This button displays the next page of the title list.A maximum of 50 mails can be received. If more than 50 mails are received, the received mails that have beenread and are not protected will be deleted in order, oldest ones first. If you have received mail that you do notwant to be deleted, protect it using the procedure on page 92.Protected mails: There can be a maximum of 25 protected mails.Received mails: There can be a maximum of 50 received mails, including protected mails.Touch the Mail Button on the TopMenu.If mail is received, the Received MailDisplay will appear.To view the next mail, touch theNext Button.To view the previous mail, touch the PreviousButton.To view text that does not fit in the display, usethe and Buttons to scroll the display sothat the text can be seen.To delete received mail, touch the DeleteButton.A Confirmation Display will appear before themail is deleted to allow you to cancel.Here, an example with Japanese text is shown.TOP MENU Button2Dwelling Unit Number List Display Area1Previous and NextButtons4Return Button3Select Button5TOP MENU Button2Title/Fixed Phrase Display Area1Previous and NextButtons4Return Button3Select Button5