- 176 -● An image on a LCD or Plasma TV screen is created by many small groupsof dots known as pixels (which is similar to the image in a newspaper). Italso naturally follows that higher panel resolutions contain more pixels.To create a colour image, each pixel consists of three tiny coloureddots (known as sub-pixels), one each of red, green and blue. Eachone of these dots is precisely controlled by the electronics of the TV toproduce the picture. Whilst Panasonic maintains the highest standardsin manufacturing technology and processes in the construction of thesepanels, there are a number of allowable pixel/subpixel failures thatstill allow the panel to be defined as a good panel. It is not possible toguarantee absolutely no pixel loss.Shop appears on screen at switch on● Shop was selected in first time Auto Tuning when the TV is turned on forthe first time. Reset settings in Shipping Condition, then select Home infirst time Auto Tuning.Functions Shipping Condition Shipping ConditionDigital TVBefore requesting service or assistance, please follow these simple guides tosolve the problem.If the problem still persists, please contact your local Panasonic dealer forassistance.Connecting devices such as DTV recorder / PVR / VCR etc. that also requirean antenna connection to the digital television● To maintain optimum antenna signal quality, use an ‘F’ type TV signalsplitter when connecting two or more devices to the same antenna socket.Hint: Some degradation of the DTV signal may occur if you are connectingthe aerial through an external device (e.g. DVD Recorder or Set Top Box).In this case it is better to use a splitter and connect the aerial directly to bothdevices.After digital TV tuning, (or re-tuning) some or all DTV channels are missing● Check to ensure your area is covered by DTV transmissions.● Check that the aerial and antenna cable are designed for DTV reception.If you live within 5-10 km of DTV transmission towers, a combined VHF/ UHF Digital TV aerial should be adequate. Outside this area, separateVHF and UHF aerials provide superior reception performance.