- 169 -Auto StandbyAutomatically turns the TV to Standby mode for energy saving when nooperation is performed for 4 hours.(On / Off)● Starting Timer Programming automatically does not affect this function.● Automatic input switching with the connected equipment affects thisfunction and time-count will be reset.● The notification message will appear 3 minutes before going into Standbymode.No signal Power offAutomatically turns the TV to Standby mode to prevent unnecessary powerconsumption when no signal is received and no operation is performed for 10minutes.(On / Off)● The notification message will appear 3 minutes before going into Standbymode.SetupEco NavigationAutomatically sets the TV to the most suitable energy-saving mode.The concerned items and their current settings are displayed. Select Set toEco to set them to the energy-saving settings at once.Voice Control SettingsSettings for Voice Control function.Functions Voice Control PreparationsUSB Device SetupFormats the USB HDD or safely removes USB device.Recording USB HDD setup Setting for USB HDDRecording SetupSettings for the recording feature of the USB HDD.Recording Recording current programme