INTEGRATING THE VPS WITH THE PANASONIC KX-T DIGITAL PBX92 Installation Manual4.1 GUIDELINES FOR DPT INTEGRATION4.1.1 Why DPT Integration is ImportantThe VPS works well with most PBXs because its connections are made through a standardsingle line (tip/ring) telephone interface. However, the communication between the PBX andVPS is best when DPT Integration is used; the VPS is already set up to communicate throughDPT Integration.Once DPT Integration is established, the PBX sends information to the VPS through the datalink. This information enables the VPS to identify the extension that is calling, know wherefrom and why a call is forwarded, and recognize what the caller wants to do. Thiscommunication allows features that are only available with DPT Integration—several of whichare described below:Table 18DPT INTEGRATION FEATURESRemote Call Forwarding Set The subscribers and the Message Manager canprogram their extensions from a remote location toforward various types of calls to a desired extension oran outside telephone.Auto Configuration The VPS knows what extension numbers exist on thePBX and creates mailboxes for each extensionautomatically. Also sets the VPS clock with data fromthe PBX clock.Live Call Screening Extension users can monitor messages as they arebeing left in the mailbox or intercept if required.Two-Way Recording Extension users can record conversations into theirown mailboxes by pressing one button.Two-Way Transfer Extension users can record conversations into anotherperson's mailbox by pressing a button and dialing anextension number.Direct Mailbox Access The subscriber can directly enter his mailbox when hecalls the VPS. He does not have to dial his mailboxnumber.Trunk Service(Universal Port)Each PBX trunk (CO line) group can be assigned oneof 4 incoming call services: Voice Mail Service,Automated Attendant Service, Interview Service andCustom Service.