Station Features and Operation (PT/SLT)User Manual 3334.3.55 PagingAllows you to make a voice announcement to a lot of people in the office simultaneously. Yourmessage is announced through built-in speakers of Proprietary Telephones (PTs) or externalspeakers (External Pagers) or both. The paged person can answer your paging announcementfrom any telephone in the office (Paging Answer). Making and answering a pagingannouncement is possible either from a PT or SLT. You can also make a paging announcementwhile putting a call on consultation hold in order to transfer it (Paging and Transfer). Thereare three types of paging as shown below. You can select the appropriate type according to yourneeds.Allows the PT user to deny receiving a paging announcement through built-in speaker of hisown PT (Paging Deny).Paging – All: To access all external pagers and paging groupsType DescriptionPaging — All Paging through both built-in speakers of PTs and externalpagers simultaneously.Paging — External Paging through all external pagers simultaneously.Paging through a specific external pager.Paging — GroupPaging to all paging groups through built-in speakers ofPTs.Paging to a particular paging group through built-inspeakers of PTs.Confirmation tone(Optional)Lift the handsetor pressSP-PHONE/MONITOR.Announce. Wait foran answer.Dial 32 . Talk.3 2You may dial "33 " instead.All Call PagePT and SLT
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