Features 3-173 Features CAllows an extension user to answer a call ringing at any other extension.Allows an extension user to answer a call ringing at another extension, if the call is ringingwithin the user’s extension group assigned in program [600]. If “Enable” is selected for anextension group in [127], persons in the group can pickup calls just by going off-hook, eventhough their extension is not ringing.Allows an extension user to prevent other extensions from picking up a call ringing at theuser’s extension with the Call Pickup feature.Allows an extension user to answer an incoming call received by a TAM extension assignedin program [611].• The user can pick up an incoming outside, intercom or doorphone call with the DirectedCall Pickup or Group Call Pickup feature.• A confirmation tone is sent to the user when the call is picked up with the Directed CallPickup or Group Call Pickup feature. The tone can be disabled in program [117].• If a ringing extension sets the Call Pickup Deny feature, an extension user will hear areorder tone when the user tries to pick up the call.• Required System Programming[117] Call Pickup Tone[127] Pickup Group Set[600] Extension Group Assignment[611] TAM (Telephone Answering Machine)Extension• Operating Instructions Reference1.4 Receiving Calls, “Picking up a CallRinging at Another Extension(Call Pickup)”+Call SplittingAllows an extension user to talk to 2 different parties. If a call is received while the user isalready on the line, the user can place the current call on hold and have a conversation withthe other party.• This feature is not possible for a doorphone call, page or 5-party conference.• Related Feature ReferencesConference (5-party), Doorphone Call, Paging• Operating Instructions Reference1.5 During Conversation, “Call Splitting”!!+Call Pickup!!He’s not in.I’ll answer it.Hello.Sorry, Mr. Smith isout of the office.