3-58 FeaturesP-R 3 FeaturesPulse to Tone ConversionAllows an extension user to change the dialling mode from Pulse to Tone after entering atelephone number to access services, such as computer telephone services or Voice Mail,which require tones.• This feature only works for exchange lines which have set “Pulse Mode” or ”CallBlocking Mode” in program [401].• Changing from Tone to Pulse is not possible.• Required System Programming[401] Dial Mode• Operating Instructions Reference1.7 Useful Features, “Pulse to Tone Conversion”+!!RecallThe RECALL button is used to allow a proprietary telephone user to disconnect the currentcall and originate another call without hanging up. This is activated when “MODE2” isselected in program [110] and the RECALL button is pressed for longer than the timeprogrammed in [418]. When “MODE1” is selected in program [110], the RECALL buttoncan be used to access features of the Local Exchange or host PBX (External Feature Access).It is performed by putting the current party on hold and sending a recall signal while havingan outside call.• Assigning the External Feature Access feature to any flexible button is useful when“MODE 2” was selected in program [110]. This can be done from any extension byassigning the RECALL button to a One-Touch Dialling button (+ Operating Instructions,1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings, “Customising the Buttons on Your Telephone”,One-Touch Access for System Features). When the assigned button is pressed, a recallsignal is sent during the programmed time in [418].• Required System Program Address[110] Recall Key Mode[418] Recall Time• Operating Instructions Reference1.7 Useful Features, “External Feature Access”+!!