Features DescriptionLive Call Screening (LCS)Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digitalintegration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can monitor a call without answeringwhile the caller is leaving a message in your mailbox.(® 1.3.70 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening))Two-way RecordUsing a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digitalintegration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can record a conversation into amailbox while talking on the phone.(® 1.3.71 Voice Mail Features—Two-way Record)• Voice Processing System features are not available for SIP Extension users.However, a KX-HGT100 user can use some of the Voice Processing System features.Refer to the Quick Reference Guide of the KX-HGT100 for details about available features.1.3.70 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening)Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digital integration (e.g., KX-TVAseries), you can monitor a call without answering while the caller is leaving a message in yourmailbox. If you so desire, you can answer the call while monitoring. There are two methodsavailable as follows:Hands-free mode (Default):You can monitor the message automatically, live through the telephone speaker.Private mode:You will hear an alarm tone while the caller is leaving a message.Before operating• Create a Live Call Screening (LCS) button (Personal Programming).• Select the mode, either Hands-free or Private (Personal Programming).• Set the extension PIN (Personal Identification Number).• Set the Live Call Screening feature.To set Live Call ScreeningPress Live CallScreening.Enter extension PIN(max. 10 digits).extension PINPT/PS(Live CallScreening)This is required only whenan extension PIN is stored.PIN: Personal Identification NumberDocument Version 2010-08 Operating Manual 1391.3.70 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening)