Button FunctionSave Applies changes and displays a result message (® see Result Messages inthis section).Cancel Discards changes. The settings on the current screen will return to the valuesthey had before being changed.Refresh Updates the status information displayed on the screen. This button isdisplayed in the upper-right area of the [Network Status] and [VoIP Status]screens.Entering CharactersIn the Web user interface, when specifying a name, message, password, or other text item, you can enter anyof the ASCII characters displayed in the following table with a white background.However, there are additional limitations for certain types of fields as follows:• Number field– You may only enter a sequence of numeric characters.• IP Address field– You can enter the IP address using dotted-decimal notation (i.e., "n.n.n.n" where n=0–255).• FQDN field– You can enter the IP address using dotted-decimal notation (i.e., "n.n.n.n" where n=0–255).– With IPv6, the IP address is enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]").Example: http://[2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8]/• Display Name field (® see [Display Name] in Call Features)– This is the only field in which you can enter Unicode characters.Result MessagesWhen you click [Save] after changing the settings on the current configuration screen, one of the followingmessages will appear in the upper-left area of the current configuration screen:Document Version 2015-02 Administrator Guide 291.1.6 Web User Interface Programming