PERIODIC_INFORM_INTERVALValue Format INTEGERDescription Specifies the interval length, in seconds, when the CPE must attemptto connect with the ACS and call the Inform method.Note• This setting is available only when"PERIODIC_INFORM_ENABLE" is set to "Y".Value Range 30–2419200Default Value 86400PERIODIC_INFORM_TIMEValue Format STRINGDescription Specifies the time (UTC) to determine when the CPE will initiate theperiodic Inform method calls.Note• Each Inform call must occur at this reference time plus or minusan integer multiple of the "PERIODIC_INFORM_INTERVAL".This "PERIODIC_INFORM_TIME" parameter is used only to setthe "phase" of the periodic Informs. The actual value can bearbitrarily set far into the past or future.For example, if "PERIODIC_INFORM_INTERVAL" is set to86400 (one day) and if "PERIODIC_INFORM_TIME" is set tomidnight on a certain day, then periodic Informs will occur everyday at midnight, starting from the set date.• If the time is set to "unknown time", the start time depends onthe CPE’s settings. However, the"PERIODIC_INFORM_INTERVAL" must still be adhered to.If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its periodic Informbehavior must be the same as if the"PERIODIC_INFORM_TIME" parameter was set to the"unknown time".• Time zones other than UTC are not supported.Value Range 4–32 charactersdate and time formatDefault Value 0001-01-01T00:00:00ZCON_REQ_USER_IDValue Format STRINGDescription Specifies the user name used to authenticate an ACS making aConnection Request to the CPE.Value Range Max. 256 characters180 Administrator Guide Document Version 2015-025.3.9 TR-069 Settings