Panasonic Electric Works Fire & Security Technology Europe ABMEW00748 Rev: 1 Operating Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 V2.3.x7524 Disable or re-enable (H2)A whole zone, one or more alarm points within a zone and/or controloutputs can be disabled via menus H2/B1-B3. This possibility can beused when a temporary disablement is wanted (e.g. craftsmen workingin the premises, etc.).The function Enhanced disablement is enabled as default i.e.disabled alarm points will not activate Pre-warning, fire alarm or fault.If this function is not enabled (via Win512), fault can be activated butnot pre-warning or fire alarm. (This is a violation to the EN54-2standard.Addressable manual call points can be disabled (but shall normally notbe disabled). However, when a whole zone is disabled, theaddressable manual call points will not be disabled for safety reasons.Up to 512 whole zones can be disabled via menu H2/B1.Up to 200 alarm points (zones / address) can be individuallydisabled via menu H2/B2 and/or COM / BS4 loops, zone interfaceinputs and/or MIO inputs can be disabled via menu H8/S2. (Alarmpoints disabled via time channels are not limited and must not becounted!)Up to 200 outputs can be individually disabled via menu H2/B3.Disabled output will stay in (or return to) the normal condition for theoutput respectively. (Disabled outputs via menu H2/B8 and menuH2/B9 are not limited and must not be counted!)Up to 200 Interlocking outputs can be individually disabled viamenu H9/C4. (All interlocking outputs disabled via "000/00" are notlimited and must not be counted!)It is not possible to exceed the limits. A warning will be shown:Max. disablements reached!Disablement not performed. ACCEPT?Don't forget to re-enable (via menus H2/B4-B6, B8 or B9, H8/S3,H9/C5 or use automatic re-enablement for zones and alarm points.Disablements are indicated by LED "Disablements" (L8) and are alsoshown in the display 72 . An example:Zone 001 is disabledMore...More… is indicating two or more disablements.Disablements (and faults) are indicated by a 2-sec. beep when an opencontrol unit door is being closed.72 NOTE! See chapter "Alphanumeric display in the control unit", page 20regarding priority order.