38n Turning on the power switches1. Turn on the power switches on the peripheral equip-ment first. If using an external hard disk unit, turn onthe power switch on the hard disk unit.The power indicator of the hard disk box lights red.2. Turn on the power switch on the computer.Windows NT starts up.n Turning off the power switchesNote: Before turning off the power, be certain to firstquit any application programs and Windows NTaccording to the procedures described on thefollowing page. If the power switch for a harddisk drive is turned off while the hard disk driveis being accessed, data on the hard disk drivecould be lost and the hard disk drive itself couldbe damaged.Note: When using an external hard disk unit, do notmove the unit for at least 30 seconds after turn-ing off the power for the hard disk unit. Themotor in the hard disk unit may still rotate for upto 30 seconds after the power is turned off; if thehard disk unit is moved while the motor is stillrotating, data on the hard disk drive could belost and the hard disk drive itself could be dam-aged.1. Quit all application programs and Windows NT.2. Once the message, "It is now safe to turn off yourcomputer" appears, turn off the computer powerswitch.3. Turn off the power switches on the peripheral equip-ment. If using an external hard disk unit, turn off thepower switch on the hard disk unit.POWERING MAIN UNIT ON AND OFF