8FeaturesShot memory and event memory functions featuredp The background, key transition pattern, PinP size, borderwidth and other effects can be registered in the internalmemory, and called from the memory.p The shot memory function makes it possible to vary theswitching from the current image to an image registered inthe memory more smoothly when the effect dissolve effectis set.p When a multiple number of video effect key frames areregistered, the event memory function makes it possible tocontinuously play back these frames.p The unit also incorporates a memory preview function sothe user can check what is going to be played back beforethe data is actually played back.Supports SD memory cards and SDHC memory cards.p Still image data (in the BMP or TARGA format) and movieclip data (in the original format; converter*) can be readfrom memory cards into the unit’s video memory and usedas background images, key materials or video sources.In addition, the images and setting data in the unit’s videomemories can be stored on the memory cards.*: The converter can be obtained from “Service andSupport” on the home page whose address is providedbelow:http://pro-av.panasonic.net/For the installation procedure, follow the steps in thedirections which are contained in the download file.This unit comes with a built-in 178.0 mm (7-inch)* colordisplay.(*: 178.0 mm effective picture area measured diagonally.)p The setting menus are viewed on this display.p The display shows images (PGM, PVW, MV) of the inputsignals and output signals as well as waveforms (WFM).p Thumbnails of the images stored on memory cards can bedisplayed.Straightforward, flexible operabilityp The straightforward panel layout with its two rows of12 crosspoint buttons (and up to 22 buttons when theSHIFT function is used) — one for bus A and the other forbus B — and other controls that enable the functions tobe operated directly make it possible to initiate speedy livetransmissions.p The functions are set and registered by displaying thesetting menus on the built‑in display.p Various functions can be allocated to the eight userbuttons.Plug-in software applications supportedp Plug‑in software applications can be developed and newfunctions can be added to the unit.p For detailed information on the plug‑in API (ApplicationProgram Interface) specifications and SDK (SoftwareDevelopment Kit), contact the dealer from whom youpurchased the unit.