312. Preparations2-2-2. Keyboard screen operationsWhen a name such as the name of the input signal material,name of the memory or name of the data to be saved on anmemory card is to be changed, display the keyboard screen,and input the characters.When the rotary encoder [F2] to [F5] that corresponds to theitem (character input box) whose name is to be changed ispressed, the keyboard screen appears on the built‑in display.Character input areaWhen the keyboard screen is displayed, use rotary encoders[F1] to [F5] to input the characters (alphanumerics andsymbols).[F1]: CURSORTurn [F1] to move the cursor inside the character inputarea.[F2]: UP/DOWN, [F3]: LEFT/RIGHTWhen selecting characters on the keyboard, turn [F2] tomove up or down, or turn [F3] to move to the left or right.When [F2] or [F3] is then pressed, the character selectedis entered.The character selected is reflected in the character inputarea. When Shift is selected and pressed, the keyboarddisplay is switched (between upper‑case letters, lower‑case letters and symbols).[F4]: OKWhen [F4] is pressed, the name which has been input isentered, and reflected in the unit.At this point, the keyboard screen is cleared, and theoriginal screen is restored.[F5]: CANCELWhen [F5] is pressed, the name which has been input iscanceled.At this point, the keyboard screen is cleared, and theoriginal screen is restored.2-2-3. Menu delegation functionWhen the buttons listed below are double‑clicked, thespecified menu is selected. (The menu delegation function)The operation corresponding to the button pressed is alsoexecuted.Button Menu selectedCrosspoint area (AUX bus selector buttons)KEY Key menu/Adjust sub menuWhen the chroma key is selected:Chroma Key menu/Adjust sub menuPinP1 PinP1 menu/Position sub menuPinP2 PinP2 menu/Position sub menuDSK DSK menu/Adjust sub menuTransition areaBKGD Time menu/BKGD sub menuKEY Time menu/Key sub menuWIPE Background menu/Border sub menuThis setting is used to enable (turn on) or disable (turn off) themenu delegation function.1 Press the s button to light its indicator, and display theConfig menu.2 Use [F1] to display the Operate sub menu.3 Use [F5] to set enable or disable for the menudelegation function at the Delegation item.On EnableOff Disable