211. Parts and their functions1-1-3. User button area User buttons (USER BUTTON) [U1 to U8]These are used to assign some functions of the menusettings to the [U1] to [U8] buttons on the Config menu. Refer to “3‑3‑1. Setting the user buttons” (and Settings> Operating Instructions). U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8USER BUTTON1-1-4. Transition areaCUT AUTOMIXMIX WIPEN/R RBKGD KEY KEYONFTBONPinP1ONPinP2ONDSKONWIPE DIRECTIONWIPEMIXWIPE [BKGD] buttonThis executes the background transition when the [AUTO]button () or fader lever () has been operated.When the [BKGD] button is pressed and it is selected, itsindicator lights in amber.If the [KEY] button () is now pressed, the indicator goesoff, and the de‑selected status is established.When the [BKGD] button and [KEY] button () arepressed at the same time, both buttons are set to theselected status. [KEY] buttonThis executes the key transition when the [AUTO] button() or fader lever () has been operated.When the [KEY] button is pressed and it is selected, itsindicator lights in amber.If the [BKGD] button () is now pressed, the indicatorgoes off, and the de‑selected status is established.When the [BKGD] button () and [KEY] button arepressed at the same time, both buttons are set to theselected status. MIX, WIPE selection status LEDsThese light up to indicate whether MIX or WIPE has beenselected when background transitions or key transitionsare executed. [MIX] buttonThis is used to switch the A and B bus images whilemaking them overlap.During the transition, the A and B bus output total is keptat 100 %.When the [MIX] button is pressed and it is selected, itsindicator lights in amber.If the [WIPE] button () is now pressed, it goes off, andthe de‑selected status is established. [WIPE] buttonThis is used to execute the transition using the patternselected by the number key (9).When the [WIPE] button is pressed and it is selected, itsindicator lights in amber.If the [MIX] button () is now pressed, it goes off, and thede‑selected status is established.