90 Editing: Playlist Function1. PLAY LIST buttonPress to engage the playlist mode to create playlists orplay back created playlists. This button lights in theplaylist mode. Pressing this button in the playlist modeopens the recording/playback mode screen (GUI off).2. THUMBNAIL buttonUse this button in playlist mode to turn the thumbnaildisplay on or off.3. SET/MULTI SEL buttonUse this button to select menus, run menu items andselect an event or multiple events. Selected events areindicated in a blue frame.• Event selection4. Cursor buttons (▲ / ▼ / b / a)• During recorder operationMoves the cursor up, down, right and left on thetimeline. Also available for events without video (black)or audio.Buttons Used in Playlist Operations11 131210 14 7 9 2 143 615 17 16 218 18 192220 5SET: Selects and deselects (togglebutton) the event at cursorlocation.Hold down the SETbutton for 1 secondor longer:Selects and deselects all eventswith the same IN and OUTpoints as the event at the cursorposition.◆ NOTE:• The button is for selecting if allevents are not yet selected.MULTI SEL (SHIFT+ SET) button afterselecting an event:This operation selects all eventsfrom a previously selectedlocation up to the currentlocation.Left and rightcursor buttons(b / a):Moves the cursors andsimultaneously the playback startposition to the beginning of theevent at the cursor location.Pressing the a button beyond theevent at the end of the track movesthe cursor to the last frame of theplaylist +1. Use this function to setthe recorder IN point whenregistering new events. (The INpoint is then entered as “**:**:**:**”.)Holding down the SHIFT button andpressing the b or a button movesthe cursor to the beginning or endof the track at the cursor location.