42 Introduction: Recording, Playback and P2 Card Handling◆ NOTE:• Detailed check of P2 card status is possible. Refer to “CheckingCard Status” (page 80).Recording time on a single 64 GB P2 card*1 Includes recording with pull-down at 30P, 24P and 25P.*2 For 2-channel audio recording*3 Includes recording at 30P, 24P and 25P with pull-down.◆ NOTE:• This unit cannot use AJ-P2C002SG (2 GB) cards.• The recording time of 32 GB, 16 GB and 8 GB P2 cards are 1/2,1/4 and 1/8, respectively of that provided by a 64 GB P2 card.● Visit the web site below and go to P2 support desk page for thelatest information on P2 card and SD/SDHC memory cards.For English: http://pro-av.panasonic.net/A continuous recording that is longer than the durations givenbelow when an 8 GB (or larger) P2 card is used in this unit willresult in the automatic division of the recording into differentclips. Even so, the recordings on the two clips can be handledas a single clip in thumbnail operations (display, delete,repair, copy, etc.) on a P2 device.Such a recording may be handled as separate clips innonlinear editing software or on PCs.P2 card access LEDs and P2 card statusP2 card access LED P2 card statusGreen light Reading and writing are possible.Orange light Reading and writing are possible.The card is selected for recording(including loop recording).Flashes orange Reading or writing is beingperformed.The unit is in USB DEVICE modeand is accessing a P2 card.The unit is in LAN mode, and a P2card can be accessed or is beingaccessed.◆ NOTE:• Do not turn the unit off or remove aP2 card during recording or whenthe LED flashes orange.Flashes rapidly inorangeP2 card is being recognized.Flashes green The P2 card has no remainingmemory capacity. Available onlyfor reading.The write-protection switch on theP2 card is set to [PROTECT].Available only for reading.Off The P2 card is not properlyformatted. Reformat the card onthis unit.This card cannot be used in thisunit. Replace the card.No P2 card has been inserted.The unit is in the USB DEVICEmode and is not accessing the P2card.P2 card and recording timesHD modeVideo format Recording format and recording timesDVCPRO HD AVC-Intra100 AVC-Intra501080-59.94/50i*1Approx.64 min.Approx.64 min.Approx.128 min.1080-30PN/25PN (Native)---- Approx.64 min.Approx.128 min.1080-24PN(Native)---- Approx.80 min.Approx.160 min.720-59.94P/50P*1Approx.64 min.Approx.64 min.Approx.128 min.720-30PN/25PN (Native)Approx.128 min.Approx.128 min.Approx.256 min.720-24PN(Native)Approx.160 min.Approx.160 min.Approx.320 min.SD modeVideo format Recording format and recording timesDVCPRO 50 DVCPRO*2 DV*2480-59.94i/576-50i*3Approx.128 min.Approx.256 min.Approx.256 min.Dividing clips over 4 GB in lengthRecording format Recording durationDVCPRO HD Approx. 5 min.DVCPRO50 Approx. 10 min.DVCPRO/DV Approx. 20 min.AVC-Intra50 Approx. 10 min.AVC-Intra100 Approx. 5 min.