99 OEM4 Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 12Chapter 8 Built-In Status Tests8.1 OverviewThe built in test monitors system performance and status to ensure the receiver is operating within itsspecifications. If an exceptional condition is detected, the user is informed through one or moreindicators. The receiver status system is used to configure and monitor these indicators:1. Receiver status word2. Error strobe line3. RXSTATUSEVENT log4. RXSTATUS log5. Status LEDIn normal operation the error strobe is driven low and the status LED on the receiver flashes green.When an unusual and non-fatal event occurs (e.g. there is no valid position solution), a bit is set in thereceiver status word. Receiver operation continues normally, the error strobe remains off, and the LEDcontinues to flash green. When the event ends (e.g. when there is a valid position solution), the bit inthe receiver status word is cleared.When a fatal event occurs (i.e. in the event of a receiver hardware failure), a bit is set in the receivererror word to indicate the cause of the problem. Bit 0 is set in the receiver status word to show that anerror occurred, the error strobe is driven high, and the LED flashes red and yellow showing an errorcode. An RXSTATUSEVENT log is generated on all ports to show the cause of the error. Receivertracking is disabled at this point but command and log processing continues to allow you to diagnosethe error. Even if the source of the error is corrected at this point, the receiver must be reset to resumenormal operation.The above two paragraphs describe factory default behavior. Customization is possible to better suitan individual application. RXSTATUSEVENT logs can be disabled completely using the UNLOGcommand. RXSTATUSEVENT logs can be generated when a receiver status bit is set or cleared byusing the STATUSCONFIG SET and STATUSCONFIG CLEAR commands. Bits in the receiverstatus words can also be promoted to be treated just like error bits using the STATUSCONFIGPRIORITY command.8.2 Receiver Status WordThe receiver status word indicates the current status of the receiver. This word is found in the headerof all logs. In addition the receiver status word is configurable.The receiver gives the user the ability to determine the importance of the status bits. This is done usingthe priority masks. In the case of the Receiver Status, setting a bit in the priority mask will cause thecondition to trigger an error. This will cause the receiver to idle all channels, turn off the antenna, anddisable the RF hardware, the same as if a bit in the Receiver Error word is set. Setting a bit in anAuxiliary Status priority mask will cause that condition to set the bit in the Receiver Status wordcorresponding to that Auxiliary Status.The STATUS CONFIG command is used to configure the various status mask fields in the